Light and Intake/exhaust controller?


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing that will control multiple lights ( four or more) and will monitor temp and humidity for the intake exhaust fans?
maybe a package or kit that has both?

Frankly Dankly

Well-Known Member
Inkbird controllers are great for temp and humidity, but don’t control lights. I use a mechanical timer for lights and inkbird temp and humidity controllers. The dual stage humidistat is really the way to go, controls a humidifier with one plug, and your exhaust fan with the other. The two stage temp control handles a 1500w space heater on one plug and the same exhaust fan with the other (through a “Y” adaptor). They’re a well trusted brand, I’ve trusted their temp controller with the life of my daughter’s beloved water puppy Nassa, a massive Jack Dempsey cichlid, it’s saved his life twice with the alarm function telling me we had a heater failure.


Well-Known Member
If you search for, "green house controller". The only limit is your wallet.
yea ive seen the titan series which is what ill probably end up with. ill have 3 rooms that need controlling. each their own lights, temp and humidity.

just seeing if im missing any other styles or brands