LIFTED.So its my first Time...(PICS) (?'s)


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another 5 days..take two clones off of it, one for mother one to flower also...movin at the end of march so gotta time line ya know


Well-Known Member
yea your light setup looks good, i got my lights ona bar i jus roll to raise em too lol but i have 9 23 watt cfls and 4 17 watt flouro tubes. i dont think i actually need this much light, there just realy big around and its hard to spread the light out that much ya kno. but i would go with probly 6 -9 cfls and ur tubes. and they might have slowed because there getting used to the new setup, or they might b fixn to sprout out sidebranches and undergrowth. in this pic, can u see how many times the branches split away from each other, most plants do this, and mine almost completely stopped growing for like 5 days and then one morning i hade like 15 new shoots poppn out everywhere lol



Active Member
what???thats crazy how many of those things popped up. mine is growing like a tree not a bush...does that make sense, like the branches are growing but none of the branches are longer than 5 " while the stem stands at 11" your branches looked as good as your that cause of my strain or what, or like you said should i be expecting a bunch of crazy side growth in the next days to come?



Well-Known Member
yea im thinking mine are more bushy then most, one is lemon haze and the other is bagseed so i have no idea if its the strain, it could be because they had a read bad start and i wus constantly chopping dead leaves off, or from having my lights as close as possible the whole grow. but yea your plant will grow atleast a couple side branches like that. it starts where your lil branches come off the main stem right in the joint it will jus pop a lil green dot out, then tiny tiny leaves then they eventually grow into big ass branches
Everything looks great man nice start. At first you might have had the lights to close tot he plant and it might have caused a little damage ( nothing that wont recover). Looks a lot better with the new setup. Different strains do different things as growing i think yours wont explode sideways but might get a boost in hight from new setup (just what i think). TY for posting on mine you got +rep for it :)


Well-Known Member
yea do u know the strain of ur plant? im pretty sure sativa dominat will grow tall and skinny with one HUGE bud down the main stem and popcorn nugs on all the brancehs. that could b an advantage to having it grow like that, im thinking once mine start to get nice buds on em the lower buds wont get any light and wont develope very good. but idk this is my first grow so im kinda jus waitn to see wut happens ya kno haha


Well-Known Member
my plants started off really shitty, heres a pic from day 50 then day 60. right when i got all my gnats and other problems taken care of.i kno HELLA stunted... its currently day 90. but as u can see mine have always been a bit bushy so i guess it could jus b the strain. but the clones i just took off my lemon haze look just like ur plant, so mayber ur plant just hasnt matured that much yet or something



Active Member
Its Blueberry x Northern Lights...its 100% indica thats why i fig it would be short and bushy i got it as a clone and im 100% sre on the strain. should i add more lights guys? Are nutrients neccessary cause all this growth has come from water only and i guess i just figured they get by in nature with just water, how much danker are the buds from the nutes or does it just help with growth



Active Member
You are vegging a lot longer than I did (me 2 weeks) so your plants will probably produce more. Don't get 5600k lights because they are neither 6500 or 2700 so it's really not as good as say getting all 65 or 27. I only used 2700k 42 watters. I bought 65k but they are kind of hard to find but since I only vegged for 2 weeks I just kept the 27k. You definitely should think of more 42 watters. More light means more growth and if you don't use the highest wattage stuff then you will need more of the lower. I only used 42 watters and I only used 6. I think you are using like 6 right now but watt for watt I was getting more light because I didn't bother with anything lower than 42. For flowering though you want 27k and maybe some 65k. I read something by rosenthal that said that some blue light 65k during flowering may be beneficial to the plants but it should be secondary to the warm light 27k. But mostly you need a lot of wattage. You should try to get as many 42 watters as you can and still use the others that you have. If you don't use much light your buds will be more like popcorn balls rather than dense big buds.


Well-Known Member
i would add more lights, and yea using nutes will help with growth and budding. go get fox farm grow big and fox farm tiger bloom, or something like that. after 5 or 6 weeks the nutes that come in the soil are all used up, but dont use any untill the plant is atleast 5 weeks old


Active Member
I don't know about the 100 watt hps. I actually got a 400 watt system. But I shopped around and found a lumatek ballast pretty cheap on ebay. I also got a super sun 2 reflector. I think all in all I paid like 260 or 270. And I am getting a bonus from work so I am going to buy 5 t5 floro tubes next week to add to the box as side lighting. You're looking good so far. I thought for sure on my first grow I would burn the plant and my house down.


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys got yall some rep+. i wanna take clones in a few days, will have pics to go with it...where is the besst place to get 42 watt CFL or bigger, lowes has some, and wal mart, any body got any good ideas out therre


Active Member
I got mine from walmart. They are cheapest online but I didn't want to wait so I just went to walmart. Also, Walmart had the cheapest prices for them where I live compared to lowes and home depot. I have never seen or heard of 63 watters and I thought that I had shopped for a very long time to find the biggest bulbs and I spend a ton of time at lowes and the depot but if they're out there (not saying they're not) I wish I would have known that a long time ago because I would have jumped on them quick. Check those out for sure. Those may be your ticket if you can find them. If not try as many 42's as you can. Walmart was 8 dollars for 1 42. Good luck....


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If you view this post be sure to leave your opinion, all are welcomed and considered and needed, leave a link and ill check you out, share the love. check out the setup


Well-Known Member
im not totaly sure if they were 63, i kno they were bigger than a 43 watter and smaller then a 100 watt, and 63 watts is the only thing iv ever heard of inbetween those. im not sure if they had different specs, i wus kinda ina hurry and i jus grabbed my 23 watt 2700ks and got home to switch to 12/12 =) lol wal mart would probly b cheaper, but may not have as big of selection.