Life without electricity. Would you survive?

I'd be all like "guys this where we have to come together to build a new and better future". Then I get a tomahawk to the back of my head. Nice guys finish last with tomahawks in their head in the post electric less future.
It's no different in the business world right now. Try to do something good & you'll probably get a tomahawk for your efforts.
People suck.
When I was young in the 50's we had electric but 60 amps for the house and barn. We butchered every fall and canned a lot. Wood heat. Cistern and a well I wouldn't use. I knew people at the time with no electric and dirt floors. Appalachia was rough. I knew a guy that lived in a school bus with a stove pipe out the top. It was on blocks. Yeehaw!
I'm not saying it'd be easy, but I think I'd be fine, barring outside influences like gangs/ looters/ govt. I've be been sitting here looking around the house trying to figure out what's actually needed. Tv, clocks, lights, fans, phones, video game system, ACs, washing machine, dryer, stove, refrigerator, computer, stereo. The fridge would be nice, other than that, I don't really NEED any of it. There's water all around me. Turkey, deer, coyote, rabbit, squirrels, possum, chipmunk, birds, etc. Lots of edible plants. Fertile soil. I'm near the ocean.

Us "horders", as I've been called,, aren't going to look so crazy when this happens. I have a bunch of my grandparents old stuff. Hand crank meat grinder, ice chopper, food processer, old hand crank tools, a couple push reel mowers, all thier garden tools, some are even my great grandfather's, which is cool, railroad oil lamps, crank up record player, an old portable foot pump organ.

Now my welder, plasma cutter, compressor, and power tools.. that'd suck. I'd have to go find some more oxy/acet tanks, look for some nitrous while I'm there.. lol.

I'd be looting every library I pass. Without having the internet and instant knowledge, of almost anything, at my fingertips, IDK what the fuck I'd do.
Yeah I'd survive. Depending on what was going on I'd either head to Singlemalt's and sneak past the perimeter and/or 420god's if I thought I could reasonably make it (more beef). I have a car that won't die from the EMP.

I'd wait for a bit until all the insane were off the road. I have a 25,000 gallon clean reservoir in the back yard and dried food. I have enough guns and ammo stockpiled to make that feasible.
This sound like a plan. With the knowledge and resources around here, we could take over a small section of the country. RIUtopia anyone?