Life without electricity. Would you survive?

ok then let me rephase it
i have a thing for jackass little mind ppl that think they are the greatest shit on the plant ....the ones that treat others as less then them self .....the ppl that forget the golden rule ...ppl that abuse others to make them self feel better ......the human equal to dog shit (dog shit has no valve for anything it is a waste of space)
I can relate Bubba. People are all different, some more eloquent or skilled than others. When it comes down to it, no one person is actually better than another. Why do you think some people chose to be condescending or look down on others? It makes them feel better, but why?
I can relate Bubba. People are all different, some more eloquent or skilled than others. When it comes down to it, no one person is actually better than another. Why do you think some people chose to be condescending or look down on others? It makes them feel better, but why?
they are broken as ppl some bullshit happen to them causing them to be that way ......if they have kids they just pass it down cycle never ends untill something ends them ....
sorry make the 27:80 rust to alu by weight

mix it up use a mag strip to light it

might need a mini pocket blowtorch one u use on a oil dab rigs
ok then let me rephase it
i have a thing for jackass little mind ppl that think they are the greatest shit on the plant

The shit shouldn't be on the plant, but in the soil. You're doing it wrong...

....the ones that treat others as less then them self .....the ppl that forget the golden rule ...ppl that abuse others to make them self feel better

There are other reasons that people abuse others other than making themselves feel better. Like when that person is absolutely ridiculous, or an arrogant ignoramus, or a clamoring gasbagknowitalldouche. You get what I'm saying. I, for one, rarely feel better about myself after criticizing others. I feel just about the same as before. It's just a fun way to pass the time...

......the human equal to dog shit (dog shit has no valve for anything it is a waste of space)

Who would want inflatable dogshit?

damn good man ......think ahead and have some fun with it

rem thermite 50% iron oxycide {rust} 50% aluminum powder mag strip to light off (but it will make trench for cars to wreck in easy while it is burning if they drive tho it is going to fling that plus burning rubber) ........rem make some for engine blocks it will take out any car or armor there is it is fucking thermite .........the one thing u do have to watch out for is the amount u use to large and u might burn a hole in the earth wrong spot hit gas/power/water lines ......or that might be a tactic u want to try

The shit shouldn't be on the plant, but in the soil. You're doing it wrong...

There are other reasons that people abuse others other than making themselves feel better. Like when that person is absolutely ridiculous, or an arrogant ignoramus, or a clamoring gasbagknowitalldouche. You get what I'm saying. I, for one, rarely feel better about myself after criticizing others. I feel just about the same as before. It's just a fun way to pass the time...

Who would want inflatable dogshit?

reported for what
hahahahaha i said sharing info is not illegal u can find a link on wiki how ......hahahahahaha
what u do with it is the only illegal thing and i made it very clear only from me if the world ends so nothing to report

but it does show how big of a hard on u have for me ......must a hit a nerve somewhere in there .....did u feel as i was talking about u ....just so u know i was not u are not worth the time or the effort like i said someone else will take u down (tho i enjoy the hell out of seeing but odds are i will not u will disappear one day never to be heard from again ....hell same thing might happen to me kind of hope it does )
The shit shouldn't be on the plant, but in the soil. You're doing it wrong...

There are other reasons that people abuse others other than making themselves feel better. Like when that person is absolutely ridiculous, or an arrogant ignoramus, or a clamoring gasbagknowitalldouche. You get what I'm saying. I, for one, rarely feel better about myself after criticizing others. I feel just about the same as before. It's just a fun way to pass the time...

Who would want inflatable dogshit?


He's already on a watch list, based on certain keywords and phrases in his post.
like i said sharing info is not illegal


Let's say someone in a group conversation wanted to burn down a building but didn't know how to go about doing it. You share with him a paper you find online showing how to effectively burn down a building. The person then follows those directions you gave and burns down the building.

You are guilty of multiple crimes including, but not limited to: conspiracy to commit arson and accessory to arson.

You supplying the plan makes you part of the crime. If not for you, that person doesn't have those instructions. Were people to die in that fire, you would also be charged as an accessory in their deaths.

It amazes me how stupid people really are these days.

Let's say someone in a group conversation wanted to burn down a building but didn't know how to go about doing it. You share with him a paper you find online showing how to effectively burn down a building. The person then follows those directions you gave and burns down the building.

You are guilty of multiple crimes including, but not limited to: conspiracy to commit arson and accessory to arson.

You supplying the plan makes you part of the crime. If not for you, that person doesn't have those instructions. Were people to die in that fire, you would also be charged as an accessory in their deaths.

It amazes me how stupid people really are these days.
Stupid, fairly common, litigious logic that doesn't put the blame where's it belongs, on the perpetrator and makes sharing knowledge a crime. Conspiracy charges are a great way to suppress the transfer of knowledge.

If I gave them this knowledge before they wanted to burn a building down, am I still liable?

Let's say someone in a group conversation wanted to burn down a building but didn't know how to go about doing it. You share with him a paper you find online showing how to effectively burn down a building. The person then follows those directions you gave and burns down the building.

You are guilty of multiple crimes including, but not limited to: conspiracy to commit arson and accessory to arson.

You supplying the plan makes you part of the crime. If not for you, that person doesn't have those instructions. Were people to die in that fire, you would also be charged as an accessory in their deaths.

It amazes me how stupid people really are these days.
Come on. Its an end of the world thread and I shared a booby trap trigger right before that.

Thermite might come in handy if shit hits the fan.

Let's say someone in a group conversation wanted to burn down a building but didn't know how to go about doing it. You share with him a paper you find online showing how to effectively burn down a building. The person then follows those directions you gave and burns down the building.

You are guilty of multiple crimes including, but not limited to: conspiracy to commit arson and accessory to arson.

You supplying the plan makes you part of the crime. If not for you, that person doesn't have those instructions. Were people to die in that fire, you would also be charged as an accessory in their deaths.

It amazes me how stupid people really are these days.
What ever man. That may be true but not necessarily right.

Nothing wrong with him sharing Thermite recipe. Its readily available and accessible on the webz.
What ever man. That may be true but not necessarily right.

Nothing wrong with him sharing Thermite recipe. Its readily available and accessible on the webz.
I was working in a shop where we did mostly aluminum and steel surface grinding. One of the old timers showed us how to take the slurry, dry it and mix the alum and iron and an oxidizer into it to make something similar, but it was never as violent. He said because the ratios were never right and the coolant residues slowed the reaction. I have a couple gallon buckets around here somewhere of the slurry I saved, just in case.
I could live without electricity just fine. I'd need to sharpen my hand tool skills, especially using an axe.
I'd need to cut, buck and split about 10 cords of firewood a year to heat and cook with.
There's plenty of moose, bear, spruce grouse, ptarmigan, 4 types of salmon, 3 types of trout, pike and grayling all within walking distance from my off-the-grid-home. I have enough ammo and skills to keep the family fed until someone or something kills me.
I don't think such a scenario would be pleasant.
There are a few individuals in my area that would need to be dealt with swiftly for everyone's well being.
Here's a few of the survival books I have.
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I have 3 books shelves full on how to build, repair and drive things.
One book you and anyone else who doesn't have it, should check out is; Outdoor Survival Skills by Larry Dean Olsen. This book is on the additional reading material for the wilderness survival merit badge. It contains enough information that if you are lost with nothing on you, you would survive. It goes about as primitive as it gets.