life turned upside one day


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Id put a bullet in his head before id turn him into the law...that's how diff we are.
Whoa! Those are some big words. You ever put a bullet in someone? Ever knifed someone? Have you ever even seen someone die and I do not mean on TV or PlayStation. Trust me if you have you are not even close to that cavalier about it.

and that's all I'm going to say about that!

But I will say I hope you find peace.


Well-Known Member
Oh and btw op. On a different note I like your name. We named one of our cats vic vega:joint:
Thnks bro....speaking of cats mine started peeing blood today...I left the cat w her...she clld n sd he was peeing blood this mrng....we both have been looking it up and researching and there's a couple diff reasons..the only fitting one is stress due to the loss of a fam mmember for example...I am the animal lover in the house so I care for them all...I went by there last nite to get a few things I left and he came to my feet and meowed...I have NEVER heard him meow...or make any sound besides purring actually...I'm very worried abt him today...I'm takin him to vet tmmrw


Well-Known Member
Whoa! Those are some big words. You ever put a bullet in someone? Ever knifed someone? Have you ever even seen someone die and I do not mean on TV or PlayStation. Trust me if you have you are not even close to that cavalier about it. and that's all I'm going to say about that!But I will say I hope you find peace.
Unfortunately I have seen it....bro I was in prison for almost 4years in florida...the life leading to it and the life there have allowed me to see a lot of things...and no I'm not proud or boasting or bragging...its just how it is.


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thnks bro....speaking of cats mine started peeing blood today...i left the cat w her...she clld n sd he was peeing blood this mrng....we both have been looking it up and researching and there's a couple diff reasons..the only fitting one is stress due to the loss of a fam mmember for example...i am the animal lover in the house so i care for them all...i went by there last nite to get a few things i left and he came to my feet and meowed...i have never heard him meow...or make any sound besides purring actually...i'm very worried abt him today...i'm takin him to vet tmmrw
no the biggest reason a cat pisses blood is because of gravel in it's bladder. Take the cat to the vet now. Shit not tomorrow


Well-Known Member
no the biggest reason a cat pisses blood is because of gravel in it's bladder. Take the cat to the vet now. Shit not tomorrow
I clld the vet appt tmrrw at 3...that's all they if he stops peeing all together then it turns into an emergency situation....gravel/crystals/ the urinary tract...male cats that hve been fixed which he has most commonly get this....I'm monitoring him and I hope everythings ok...he's very independant but he's also a very good cat...I've nvr had a problem frm him and got him frm pound at 4weeks old...he cldnt even eat food yet...ima try my best to help him


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I clld the vet appt tmrrw at 3...that's all they if he stops peeing all together then it turns into an emergency situation....gravel/crystals/ the urinary tract...male cats that hve been fixed which he has most commonly get this....I'm monitoring him and I hope everythings ok...he's very independant but he's also a very good cat...I've nvr had a problem frm him and got him frm pound at 4weeks old...he cldnt even eat food yet...ima try my best to help him
Then please take him in now. He's suffering. Have YOU ever pissed blood from a stone or infection? He's meowing because he is BEGGING you to help him. For heaven's sake please take pity on him and get him in there. They can give him medicine for the pain. It's agony.


Well-Known Member
Then please take him in now. He's suffering. Have YOU ever pissed blood from a stone or infection? He's meowing because he is BEGGING you to help him. For heaven's sake please take pity on him and get him in there. They can give him medicine for the pain. It's agony.
He's purring....I don't think he's in that much agony....or any at all actually....he only meowed once and when it was when he saw me last nite and hadn't for bout a week now...I associated the meow w a hey I miss u.....I don't live in a big place where there are 24hour vets or anything....he seems ok other than the peeing blood....and he's peed it twice today so he is peeing....I can't do anything for him other than what I'm me...I want him to b ok


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...snip....I can't do anything for him other than what I'm me...I want him to b ok
Yes, you could stop whatever bullshit you are doing now and take him. LIFE before stuff, life before anything! PLEASE. GET OFF RIU and HELP THAT POOR ANIMAL. Jesus if you were pissing blood you would not be this cavalier I promise you. I've had to deal with you guys in my ER. You didn't sit there and say this you'd be doubled in half squealing in pain demanding narcotics.

Animal's mask pain so they aren't cleaved from the herd and allowed to be picked off by predators. But because their behavior is not consistent with how human's exhibit pain does not make it less painful. It makes it worse. PLEASE I BEG YOU TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET NOW

Oh sorry I just realized you are the douche bag that left his wife for pot. Why would you spend money on your poor pitiful cat.

Ignore list......


Well-Known Member
When you find a woman that is happy that you have something you are passionate about, other than her..... That's when you know you have a keeper...

Good idea to throw her back in the pond...


Well-Known Member
Yes, you could stop whatever bullshit you are doing now and take him. LIFE before stuff, life before anything! PLEASE. GET OFF RIU and HELP THAT POOR ANIMAL. Jesus if you were pissing blood you would not be this cavalier I promise you. I've had to deal with you guys in my ER. You didn't sit there and say this you'd be doubled in half squealing in pain demanding narcotics.Animal's mask pain so they aren't cleaved from the herd and allowed to be picked off by predators. But because their behavior is not consistent with how human's exhibit pain does not make it less painful. It makes it worse. PLEASE I BEG YOU TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET NOWOh sorry I just realized you are the douche bag that left his wife for pot. Why would you spend money on your poor pitiful cat. Ignore list......
Remind me to never come to ur ER if they have stupid ppl like u wrkng there.


Save the pussy !!! lol

I love cats, I think they are delicious :)



Well-Known Member
When you find a woman that is happy that you have something you are passionate about, other than her..... That's when you know you have a keeper...Good idea to throw her back in the pond...
Thank u...I believe the ppl on here that are being negative are females....I'm quite sure of it actually...


Well-Known Member
Cause surely any sensable american MAN would understand my position...if u are a man and u allow a woman and her kids to control u...u can no longer refer to urself as a duck dynasty would say...please forfiet ur man card..and shave ur face....this is getting old...a lot of interesting opinions on here tho...thanks to u all for ur interest...good or bad


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Staff member
Remind me to never come to ur ER if they have stupid ppl like u wrkng there.
Stupid people like me have privileges at many ER's :) You will see me before you go out. Everyone see's someone like me before they check it in. Karma is a bitch.

Oh and YES I am female. That's why I sign my name ANNIE in every post I make. But I am sure that escaped a Rhode's Scholar like you.

Hey where are UB and Figong when you need 'em!


Well-Known Member
Yes, you could stop whatever bullshit you are doing now and take him. LIFE before stuff, life before anything! PLEASE. GET OFF RIU and HELP THAT POOR ANIMAL. Jesus if you were pissing blood you would not be this cavalier I promise you. I've had to deal with you guys in my ER. You didn't sit there and say this you'd be doubled in half squealing in pain demanding narcotics.Animal's mask pain so they aren't cleaved from the herd and allowed to be picked off by predators. But because their behavior is not consistent with how human's exhibit pain does not make it less painful. It makes it worse. PLEASE I BEG YOU TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET NOWOh sorry I just realized you are the douche bag that left his wife for pot. Why would you spend money on your poor pitiful cat. Ignore list......
Cats don't run in herds..and if he's purring he's not in pain...calm down freak...I bet a million cats hve died horrible deaths in the last 10mins....why u give a fk abt mine