life turned upside one day

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I'm engaged to a pinay. She is the sweet beautiful. She comes from a conservative background. Yet mine doesn't mind. When your with some one they accept you no matter what. I'm sorry for your loss. I even have female friend that I had fwb with. She tells me girls are shady too. Look for a sweet heart that likes to blaze. Move to a college town.:fire: lol. Be the alpha male be happy and fuck the negs. At least you have a box of buds. And your single let inner perv out our, smoke out, rock out with your cock out :hump::hump:


New Member
typical.I know why some guys are gay,some are single,but IDK why anyone would get married.Most women just Can'tUnderstandNormalThinking:lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm engaged to a pinoy. She is the sweet beautiful. She comes from a conservative background. Yet mine doesn't mind. When your with some one they accept you no matter what. I'm sorry for your loss. I even have female friend that I had fwb with. She tells me girls are shady too. Look for a sweet heart that likes to blaze. Move to a college town.:fire: lol. Be the alpha male be happy and fuck the negs. At least you have a box of buds. And your single let inner perv out our, smoke out, rock out with your cock out :hump::hump:
Uumm I think you meant "pinay" haha :)


Well-Known Member
Marry the dog, leave the 2-legged creature behind...yes I'm baked.:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Me and my dog are very close...:)...I'm glad to have her w me and wouldn't have left her behind...she's mine and I've takin care of her since she was 5weeks old...she's def my best friend


Well-Known Member
Hey Vega sorry to hear bout the drama. From your description it sounds like you were lucky enough not to have any children with the woman, so be thankful you didn't knock her up, and keep on keepin' on!You're one of the few CFLers I have enjoyed watching. You sound like you've got your head on straight and a plan... What more can you really ask for.. Good luck!
Yeah the no kids makes it easier...I got two kids already 15 n 13 and their almost not kids anymore..and live w their mom....I wasn't trying to restart the kid button when its so close to being child sppt days will soon b over...well 5years they will b...if I woulda had a kid w her id b lookin at a fresh 18 yrs of thanks


Well-Known Member
Me and my dog are very close...:)...I'm glad to have her w me and wouldn't have left her behind...she's mine and I've takin care of her since she was 5weeks old...she's def my best friend
Your comment reminded me of this movie..

at least you got the dog in the end, my x kept the dog, but its better off with her :*(



Well-Known Member
Your comment reminded me of this movie..
at least you got the dog in the end, my x kept the dog, but its better off with her :*( cheers
sorry to hear...yeah I wasn't leaving my woulda killed her and me...I can't imagine what shed think if I just up n left her...I couldn't do that to her....or myself ...ha


Well-Known Member
The harvest went pretty well 60bud coulda gone another week but still great'll b dry enuf to start curing tmrrw and I brought plenty of jars w me...I cut the branches and just brought em w me and trimmed em abt an ounce and a half of prime trim coated w resin that should b dry enuf to sift when I get off work today...I. see some nice hash in my evening...I got abt a gram size chunk of scissor hash from trimming...smoked on that yesterday and it was awesome...taste like opium insense...kinda perfume smelling and tasting....was very potent....shitty I can't do pics ill try again tonight cause this is my biggest one plant harvest to date...3zips is being modest its prolly closer to 4...I had several buds as long as my forearm and as big around as a 20 oz bottle...I was real worried abt drying and curing properly considering the circumstances but its going well....let em hang for almost 3days and put em in brown paper bags this mrng before wrk....lookin good so far


Well-Known Member
So my wife and I have been having issues for months now...every fight we got into she's threatening to kick me out and threatening the plants and blah blah blah...she has 3 kids and we're buying the house off her fam so its obvious who's goin when the shit really goes down but u ain't gotta throw it in my face every it happened again two days ago..bad fight and I gotta go...for real this time...I had four plants..all at day 60 I chopped and will prolly dry out to round at week at week 2..and one at week one...gave all those to the only other grower I knw in the area and he sd he'd give me half of each ones harvest..the 5 weeker was my own cross of querkle was my baby and was so excited abt this I bbroke everything down packed my shit and left w my lights..3 shoe boxes full of buds and my dog...sitting in a hotel til I get a couple paychecks stacked up n get a diff place...out of town this time so I can do outdoors too...she became jealous of my really came down to either her or me growing..that's what most fights stemmed frm..I can't and shouldn't b w some1 like that...I have my lights...and my dog....ima b alright:)
You should PM UncleBuck. He might let you sleep in his greenhouse. It would be a win-win situation. Could you stop a couple of teenyboppers from stealing his plants? If so, he'll want to hear from you. I hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
You should PM UncleBuck. He might let you sleep in his greenhouse. It would be a win-win situation. Could you stop a couple of teenyboppers from stealing his plants? If so, he'll want to hear from you. I hope everything works out.
I could stop at least four teenybopper plant thieves unarmed...way more than that w a side arm.


Well-Known Member
I could stop at least four teenbopper plant thieves unarmed...way more than that w a side arm.
UncleBuck is going to want you to start by using a large Axe for defense. You might be able to persuade him to let you bring a gun, but I think he's afraid of them.


Active Member
Yeah Mr.Vega keep on truckin. Unfortunatley our culture does a terrible job of raising women. They are taught to be selfish tyrants. Fear not my friend, there are some good ones left out there. I couldn't handle my garden without my wife's help. I couldn't imagine working with anyone else. If something were to happen to me she has the skills to run a garden by herself which makes me proud. However, I have been in your shoes in the past but you will recover. Stay away from younger women with kids. There is a reason they are a single mothers. The sex might be great but it isn't worth the trouble. Do YOU for a while before you jump back in the game. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Mr.Vega keep on truckin. Unfortunatley our culture does a terrible job of raising women. They are taught to be selfish tyrants. Fear not my friend, there are some good ones left out there. I couldn't handle my garden without my wife's help. I couldn't imagine working with anyone else. If something were to happen to me she has the skills to run a garden by herself which makes me proud. However, I have been in your shoes in the past but you will recover. Stay away from younger women with kids. There is a reason they are a single mothers. The sex might be great but it isn't worth the trouble. Do YOU for a while before you jump back in the game. Peace.
excellent advice and my plan exactly.