Life itself


Well-Known Member
So heres a few questions,If we have so many believers in god and non believers looking for truth and answers,
why havent we found any hard concrete evidence that either side is right?
Is there a healthy medium that could be approached or understood?or is it eternaly beyond our sphere of
understanding and that we can only keep grasp at straws so to speak.
My personal take on it would be that this
experience we know as life happens to be unexplainable in our terms and thoughts,though try as we will to
understand it all we really dont.The fighting of ideas of what is right and wrong in terms of
spiritualtity/religion has seemingly been nothing short of counterproductive,What if understanding
has nothing to do with our experience of living?We are living and thinking yet we dont know,perhaps not able
to know the exact truth of what we are observing.

Any thoughts people?Some intelligent answers would be great.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we can let people believe what they want. Scientist can stop making nuclear weapons, but may continue saving lives. Crazy nutjob believers can stop killing people in the name of their god (cults), but may continue preaching only good morals and stop damning people to hell when they don't have that power. But until then there isn't really a medium unless we just don't talk about our beliefs.


Well-Known Member
"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, and we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." - Hicks


Well-Known Member
So heres a few questions,If we have so many believers in god and non believers looking for truth and answers,
why havent we found any hard concrete evidence that either side is right?
This is a great question, and one that could apply to politics as well, if the dems and repubs are both looking out for the best interest of the American people, why are the American people getting screwed so badly? Clearly the answer seems to be they don't have the American people's best interest at heart, an answer I think also applies to the way we answer those questions about truth. I think it's clear most of us are looking for comfort, not truth.

We have found hard, concrete evidence one side is right, the other side chooses to deny this evidence, I feel, because it threatens their level of comfort.

Is there a healthy medium that could be approached or understood? or is it eternaly beyond our sphere of understanding and that we can only keep grasp at straws so to speak.
I believe there is, people just have to be willing to compromise, understand there are guidelines to follow when answering questions about reality and understand the limitations of the human brain when analyzing those answers objectively.

My personal take on it would be that this experience we know as life happens to be unexplainable in our terms and thoughts,though try as we will to understand it all we really dont.
What about life, specifically, do you feel makes it unexplainable?

My personal opinion is that if it has to do with nature, that is all that encompasses life and the human condition, it can be explained.

The fighting of ideas of what is right and wrong in terms of spiritualtity/religion has seemingly been nothing short of counterproductive
I couldn't agree more.

What if understanding has nothing to do with our experience of living? We are living and thinking yet we dont know, perhaps not able to know the exact truth of what we are observing.
Honestly, that is what's personally so beautiful about being a human being to me. There's no way I could express this feeling as poetic as a handful of other people I could list, but what could be more extraordinary than trillions of chemical elements forged in the heart of a star, grouped together in such a way they all communicate with each other simultaneously to determine their own physical properties and destiny in this universe? I'd like to use an analogy here, but unfortunately one doesn't exist because it's that damn unbelievable.

Elements figuring out elements. And that is only one small bit of the grand story of life. The rest is equally as exhilarating to learn about, how life is all connected, the cells inside your body have traces of the first life that has ever existed, every single one of your ancestors successfully mated and raised offspring... I could go on and on and on.

Science is beautiful.


Well-Known Member
So heres a few questions,If we have so many believers in god and non believers looking for truth and answers,
why havent we found any hard concrete evidence that either side is right?
Partially because most non-believers don't make a claim as to what is right. They merely dismiss a claim because of lack of evidence. Their 'side' is one of skepticism, not a positive claim of truth. This is what many religionists fail to understand as you can see by their accusations that we believe there is no god and challenges to prove there is no god. Skepticism is the default rational position to take on any extraordinary claim.


Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorite chapters of one of my favorite books. If you have 7 minutes or so, maybe you'll read something in it that you can relate to. I know I did. Enjoy the Pageite Wars by Richard Bach from the book, One.

[FONT=New York,Times New Roman]She turned to me. "Try this," she said. "Pretend that you honestly truly deeply want to know who you are, where you came from and why you're here. Pretend you're willing never to rest till you know."[/FONT]
[FONT=New York,Times New Roman]I nodded and imagined myself non-stop determined resolute, eager to learn, combing libraries for books and back-issues, haunting lectures and seminars, keeping diaries of my hopes and speculation, writing intuitions, meditating on mountaintops, following leads from dreams and coincidence, asking strangers -- all the steps we take when learning matters more than anything. "OK."[/FONT]
[FONT=New York,Times New Roman]"Now," she said, "can you imagine yourself not finding out?"[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
What about life, specifically, do you feel makes it unexplainable?

we know how to explain the workings
of the physical and natural realm with Scientific method,But the experience of life,living with everything
that happens to us and others,the direct input of events witnessed in ones lifetime,why do we bare witness to
something that happens and yet not be able to do anything about it because its beyond our control for example
Being powerful yet powerless what is the meaning behind the entirety of this observation/experience?Or is it all left to spontanuity?
I wouldnt think so personaly, but its still a possibility as far as spontaneous existence goes.

This is the aspect of life itself i find unexplainable


Well-Known Member
Being powerful yet powerless what is the meaning behind the entirety of this observation/experience? Or is it all left to spontanuity?
Perhaps the experience itself is the meaning. Life wants to live, it wants to thrive and create more life. In another perspective, some other entity might consider this a kind of virus (Matrix).

Personally, I find a lot of satisfaction in trying to find answers, but the fact we can even ask and understand the questions is amazing, considering what it took to get here.

...n you know what's sad... 85% of all people don't know what questions to ask..


Well-Known Member
Excellent answer Pada ,i would REP you but i dont think it would do any good from me.Overall Great answers from everyone else,definetly the story from Brewers post was cool to checkout and read.


Active Member
So heres a few questions,If we have so many believers in god and non believers looking for truth and answers,
why havent we found any hard concrete evidence that either side is right?
Is there a healthy medium that could be approached or understood?or is it eternaly beyond our sphere of
understanding and that we can only keep grasp at straws so to speak.
My personal take on it would be that this
experience we know as life happens to be unexplainable in our terms and thoughts,though try as we will to
understand it all we really dont.The fighting of ideas of what is right and wrong in terms of
spiritualtity/religion has seemingly been nothing short of counterproductive,What if understanding
has nothing to do with our experience of living?We are living and thinking yet we dont know,perhaps not able
to know the exact truth of what we are observing.

Any thoughts people?Some intelligent answers would be great.
answer is in your self. any book and bible can only go so far.



ok first off its easier disproving god, why you might ask? Reason. Religon is as old as our own human history because when people couldnt explain things they wanted to believe someone bigger then them were in control and not in some random chaotic control. So many religons waterdown all influenced christianity in a way.

Now you ask why havent we athiest found a like to remind you we are still using fossil fuel that should be enough to tell you that our science and knowledge of this universe is still a baby from all those decades of scientific depression you think will be able to find it already? I mean even now the church wants us to stop research, look at how much controversy happened when science announced that they were looking for a the "god" particle.

You expect us to find the truth in such enviroment? In less then 500years...thats asking quite a bit.

I believe the truth will be far more then what we can imagine something that will definently blow our conciousness i might not know the truth but reason can de-bunk those that are not.

Remmember nature's greatest gift was not life itself but the concious it gave us the abilty to find what made her...dont let it go to waste.