Life After Life


Active Member
17 min in and i can account for no specific religious slant thus far, thanks for the great food for thought AgentWiggles


Just wait, sure enough some fuckin atheist will come on here and start preachin about how nothin happens after we die, this is our only life, blah blah stupid shit. It happens every time. And atheists get mad at christians for forcing their beliefs on people.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, why do atheist give a damn what other people believe???
I just can't figure that one out??? :roll:


I really never could either, but they seem to think that anybody who thinks there's anything past this life is naive and stupid, when in reality they only know as much as the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
turned into an Attack the atheist thread.

no atheist said anything.
So why start shit?


Well-Known Member
just watched the whole thing.. pretty good stuff. Definetly makes ya think..


turned into an Attack the atheist thread.

no atheist said anything.
So why start shit?
no disrespect tebor, I just know a lot of atheists that would do the exact same thing.


Well-Known Member
I just say F it, people should believe whatever they want...who gives a dam? whatever happens will happen regardless and how could we possibly know what happens after death if we aint there yet? oh well i guess some people just love to try and be correct all the time. Honestly i am the type who believes in more of the scientific theorys but there are so many unexplained events and things that are just all ideas no one human actually knows the truth..... sometimes i think what if you can choose your own destiny by what you believe....??


I just say F it, people should believe whatever they want...who gives a dam? whatever happens will happen regardless and how could we possibly know what happens after death if we aint there yet? oh well i guess some people just love to try and be correct all the time. Honestly i am the type who believes in more of the scientific theorys but there are so many unexplained events and things that are just all ideas no one human actually knows the truth.....sometimes i think what if you can choose your own destiny by what you believe....??
I've wondered that from time to time as well. It's an interesting thing to ponder.