"Lies are Cowardice and Immature"


New Member
"Lies are Cowardice and Immature"


Those Who Practice Lies and Deception Ought to Stop,

The Scripture says, No Liar will Enter Heaven: (Revelation 21:7-8; Please Stop Lying, I Don't Want You to Go to Hell.

I Know that Lie(s) is One Thing, but a Liar is Someone Who Habitually Lie.

Non-the-Less, the More You Lie, the Farther YOU Distance Yourself From Your Original Purpose, Your Original Destiny for Being in Existence.

The Difference Between Believers of God Almighty (Spirit and/or Word of Truth) and unbelievers of God Almighty is Believers Obey and Appreciate the (Divine) Truth as God Reveals it to Their Conscience (Even When it Hurts Sometimes); unbelievers On the Other Hand Disobey and Hate the Truth as God Reveals it to Their Conscience.

This is Why the Scriptures Tells Us that
"the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth".

So, In Summary, "Don't Hate the Truth; Obey the Truth."

The "Truth" in Uncomfortable Situations or Circumstances Develops True Character; Lies in Uncomfortable Situations or Circumstances Develops Insecurities and (the Sense or Reality of) Failure.

Thus, Lies, Spiritual or Moral Disobedience and Iniquities are the Reasons for Your Insecurities and Failures: Either Lies You were Born into (Iniquities) or Lies You Created Yourself.

I Challenge / Charge You to Replace Lies and Iniquity with Perserverance, WISDOM and Truth.


New Member
He's got a website he rants on.:roll:

What is your copy and paste problem and how do you define it; the material that I copy and paste are one typically something I agree with and two usually always mine. I don't think that it's a problem as long as you cite the reference source, anyhow.

I make reasonably good sense; thus, I don't think it's rant; I'll look it up later, if I remember too.

the Virtuous Intelligence site is the one I think you might be referring too, here's a link:

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru
your loved ones,
Mark Daniels
[email protected]

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hmm.Should I report you for soliciting me for money?Why not shut down your net connection and go preach on the streets instead of hiding behind your computer, if you're so faithful.

When I can afford it. However, I think I preefer to drink it or eat it, something less toxic to my respiratory system, ideally.

I am taking donation if you like.
Yeah, watch out, he's trying to sell you some crappy books with more of his babble in them,telling you how you "ought" to live and how to raise your children.Yes, it's all ranting.
What is your copy and paste problem and how do you define it; the material that I copy and paste are one typically something I agree with and two usually always mine. I don't think that it's a problem as long as you cite the reference source, anyhow.

I make reasonably good sense; thus, I don't think it's rant; I'll look it up later, if I remember too.

the Virtuous Intelligence site is the one I think you might be referring too, here's a link:

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru
your loved ones,
Mark Daniels
[email protected]


New Member
Hmm.Should I report you for soliciting me for money?Why not shut down your net connection and go preach on the streets instead of hiding behind your computer, if you're so faithful.

Yeah, watch out, he's trying to sell you some crappy books with more of his babble in them,telling you how you "ought" to live and how to raise your children.Yes, it's all ranting.



Look up the Word: "Ought"; and you will find that it is one of those terms that offer the indivdual "the FREE WILL" to disagree or agree; that is the OPTION to CHOOSE to respond as their CONSCIENCE reveals to them regardless of what I say, you say or anybody for that matter.

""OUGHT (not)""

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
More ranting. You ought to learn better English, that's what you ought to do.:bigjoint:


Look up the Word: "Ought"; and you will find that it is one of those terms that offer the indivdual "the FREE WILL" to disagree or agree; that is the OPTION to CHOOSE to respond as their CONSCIENCE reveals to them regardless of what I say, you say or anybody for that matter.

""OUGHT (not)""


Active Member
do us a favour prophesy.... tell us a bit about yourself to convince us of your identity and integrity, because you come across as a wacko


What a ignorant stupid statement.. EVERYBODY LIES.. and everybody should... the truth often hurts much more then lies... if you are willing to inflict emotional pain just because your selfish enough not to want to lie because of some notion that you cannot enter heaven for lieing, then what retarded God woul asuch a person enter to heaven.. ?


Active Member
It is morally justifiable to lie sometimes. Theres a really famous example used by ethical philosophers when trying to examine whether lying is permissible morally.

Its during WWII and you are a farmer chilling in your house when you get a knock at the door. There is a group of jews at your door seeking shelter for a night before they move on in the morning. You agree but a little later some Nazis show up. They ask you if you've seen some Jews that escaped one of the camps. They don't suspect you at all of harbouring them and are simply going house to house asking if anyone has seen them.

If you lie (and say you havent seen them), you save the lives of the people you hid in your house, if you tell the truth, "why yes nazi dude, i have them hidden in my house" then they will all die. Even if you hate liars and lieing (most people do,) I don't think many people would hesitate for even a moment to lie to the nazis. because on practical terms telling the truth in that situation is riduculous.

I think that what needs to be understood is that "sticking to the letter of the law" is ridiculous and counter-productive to faith AND SCRIPTURE. sticking to the letter of the law creates religious fanatics and is historically closely related (in biblical times) to the sadducees and early zealots. i think in this, and similar situations God whould understand and not be a douche about it.


Well-Known Member
When i read anything along the lines of "the scriptures say" a big iron curtain comes down preventing me from listening to anything you have to say making it very difficult to take anything you say seriously.

If you argued on moral grounds of wanting to cause no harm to others and used some logic you would get further in trying to get a message across. But saying liars go to hell and spill like that makes me laugh, especially as the organisation behind the book you quote from is one of the biggest liars on the face of the planet.