Libertarians and Tea Party Patriots are completely and totally correct!


Well-Known Member
why would anyone make anything if no one wants it?

that's called stupidity, not capitalism.
The world is full of examples of products made by corporations that people didn't buy.

The Pontiac Aztec.

New coke.

Clear pepsi.

Beta max (vs VHS)

HDdvd vs blu ray

Prodigy vs aol

Blackberry's latest phone.

Need I go on?


Well-Known Member
:lol: DVD Rewinder?
I NEED one of those.
I'm tired of using the old hand-crank for my DVDs, especially after watching the director's cut of LotR, or Tarkovsky's "Stalker".
Russian movies are sooooooo long.


Well-Known Member
oh, i see the problem here.

you're mistaking the republican's use of "job creator" for the actual "creator" and lavishing your worship accordingly.

hate to break it to ya, but people who go out and buy stiff are the "job creators". providing jobs is a last resort option for corporations, not the point of their existence.
How do people buy stuff if they have no income?


Well-Known Member
The world is full of examples of products made by corporations that people didn't buy.

The Pontiac Aztec.

New coke.

Clear pepsi.

Beta max (vs VHS)

HDdvd vs blu ray

Prodigy vs aol

Blackberry's latest phone.

Need I go on?
You forgot the Chevy Volt. lulz.................

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The world is full of examples of products made by corporations that people didn't buy.

The Pontiac Aztec.

New coke.

Clear pepsi.

Beta max (vs VHS)

HDdvd vs blu ray

Prodigy vs aol

Blackberry's latest phone.

Need I go on?
Sony made a fuckton of money with Beta. Practically every show shot to be shown in standard definition was shot on betacam.


Well-Known Member
60,000+ so far, selling more and more every year.
Wow that is a huge amount of Volts sold, no wonder why you see them everywhere. Toyota is only able to sell 15,000 of their Prius each month. Imagine if they could sell 4 times that in 12 times the amount of time? Bankrupt.

Must be the new Management at GM, chock full of good ideas.


Well-Known Member
Wow that is a huge amount of Volts sold, no wonder why you see them everywhere.
prius is hogging a lot of that market, and i am starting to see those everywhere. plus, they've been around a lot longer.

wait for a spike in gas prices and more volts will move.


Well-Known Member
The volt is an awesome car that will go almost 20 miles when its 0 degrees out and you charged it up the night before.

That's almost as much as a 1985 Honda CRX HF would go on a pint of gasoline. Almost.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
The more electric cars sold will increase everyone's electric bill.
Ethanol will destroy most cars fuel systems.
Gasoline prices keep rising.

I'm gonna buy a horse.


Active Member
....perception is 9/10 reality
...politicians play/prey on it....

....fear, intolerance, prejudice from the right[ all the while they want to claim its "over-regulation" & individual rights which really means its OK to be homophobic, racist and screw labor & the environment)

....and from the Left: entitlement, blame, and excuses for failure: which really equals: regardless of your short commings, I'll blame rich whitey and I'll give you entitlements if you vote for me

....fact is I firmly believe 1/2 the poster here just parrot the crap they hear on Fox or CNN ....


Well-Known Member
Someone riddle me this...

If the vast majority of electricity is produced from fossil fuels...and electric cars need this electricity...why not skip the bullshit and just use gas?

Technically because the wires in the grid are less than 100% efficient, and the motor in the car even less're actually doing more harm than if you just used gasoline.

Also (here at least) to fill up an electric car costs the same amount of currency as the car will add to your electricity bill.

THAT is why the shitty little electric go-karts havnt sold yet.


Well-Known Member
So far this year, Chevy has delivered 11,643 Volts, a respectable figure in absence of context. Yet General Motors, throughout all of its brands, has delivered a total of 1,654,417 vehicles over this same time. This means that the much-publicized Volt has only accounted for a paltry .7 percent of all cars and trucks delivered by GM in 2013

What’s more, late last year, reports surfaced that suggested GM is losing nearly $50,000 per Volt it sells. With such dismal sales and massive losses per vehicle, it would seem that the Volt’s days would have been numbered months ago. Yet GM, with this newly announced discount, has signaled that it is willing to press on into the 2014 model year and beyond.

Yup, the Volt is a real gem. lulz................

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The more electric cars sold will increase everyone's electric bill.
Ethanol will destroy most cars fuel systems.
Gasoline prices keep rising.

I'm gonna buy a horse.

Diesels can be adapted to run on lots of things. Also check out wood gasahol type vehicles. I saw one a few years back at a Solar products fair and it was pretty cool.

Of course you bring up a good point about the horse, when times get tough, you can always eat the old nag.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think we should make certain people eat pig and use their fart gas to power our mercs

A methane gas capture system is very doable. Rather than eat the pigs though, it might be more efficient to capture their gas.

Indeed, more power to the Mercury.
