Libertarianism makes you stupid

I reference that Brandolini law quite a bit, just sans that name. Comes up here often, same with dishonest debate.
Easier to deal with bullshit and disinformation at the valve than at the nozzle end, just get creative, solutions exist, you just need the power and will to implement them. A house divided cannot stand and it is the duty of any national government to combat serious social division that does not have a just, or even real cause, or is simply based on lies. Genuine grievance is a different thing and has grass roots organization, they are not Astroturf, like the Mom and apple pie named republican efforts at propaganda.
Yeah! This is what you guys are all about !!
what the fuck do you care what we're all about? we're small time guys, with no influence in the real world, but you seem to be trying to convert and subvert us as hard as you would try to subvert soldiers or do understand that we, and you, are fucking nothing, to anyone outside of our circles of friends and family?
and that you're never going to change one mind here...not because minds here are unchangeable, i have changed considerably since i joined this site, and started reading these forums, and i think it's for the better...but you weren't, and never would never have been responsible for one second of that change.
you cry that we're intolerant of "other thinkers" fucking what? in this instance, "other thinker" means fascist, authoritarian, christian nationalist, white supremacist...if condemning that kind of "other thought" makes me intolerant, then i'm fucking intolerant, and will remain so as long as your definition of tolerance includes tolerating hate, and bigotry, and i guess you're right, i'm not only intolerant, i have plans to become even more intolerant to such people, as they need to know they are not only not welcome, they are NOT tolerated, condoned, or accepted in any way.

The idea you posted has issues. If you cannot or will not back it up using a third-party source that addresses those issues, you harm your status as an honest broker.
This is not an academic forum and everything posted as opinion need not have an academic reference cited or footnotes. Conformity creates societies, it's how the French became French. English is the language of technology and everybody conforms to it globally, that's just a practical fact, even in China there are signs in English and the language is written phonetically as a pragmatic matter.
I see. Thank you.

Well for me, one event of a thing is one event of a thing. Two instances of a thing suggests a potential third and thus a potential pattern.
You and I are on our second "Push and Push back."
I'm okay with it but I do not understand why you surrender when you get a push-back.

I remember that Avatar of the Dino-Duck from way way back when I was first learning to grow on GrowKind and Cannagraphics. I've always like it and you too so that it is.

It has been my observation that in American Culture people gravitate towards conformity.
We can call it tribalism perhaps.
In a strange way we are the Monkeys of the film 2001.
Well for me, one event of a thing is one event of a thing. Two instances of a thing suggests a potential third and thus a potential pattern.
You and I are on our second "Push and Push back."
I'm okay with it but I do not understand why you surrender when you get a push-back.

I remember that Avatar of the Dino-Duck from way way back when I was first learning to grow on GrowKind and Cannagraphics. I've always like it and you too so that it is.

It has been my observation that in American Culture people gravitate towards conformity.
We can call it tribalism perhaps.
In a strange way we are the Monkeys of the film 2001.
I did not surrender. I came to a conclusion where before I only had a suspicion, and executed.

The avi is the fossil of something that happened on this site some years ago. I have not been moved to change it back.

The idea you posted has issues. If you cannot or will not back it up using a third-party source that addresses those issues, you harm your status as an honest broker.
To make a further point, the founders of America were steeped in a Classical education, Greek and Latin for the most part and I think some of their ideas came from them. Greece was an ancient culture of independent city states united by a common culture, religion and language, mostly because of maritime trade. Perhaps some of the American founders wanted to recreate that cradle of creativity and democracy on a grander scale with states instead of cities, unified by a common religion, language and culture (British). The people did not rebel, their democratically elected legislatures did and they were an English tradition that were in place for a long time.
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Yeah, They wanted to create it for White Land Owners! LOL :P :P :P :P

And yet look at what has and is happening!

Pardon the WHO video. It just feels right!

Yeah, They wanted to create it for White Land Owners! LOL :P :P :P :P

And yet look at what has and is happening!

Pardon the WHO video. It just feels right!

That's the problem with liberal democracy and the rule of law. Gandhi was a lawyer and he played on the inconsistencies in the law and on democracy trumping imperialism. Britain wanted out of India since the 20's and was a liberal democracy by then with universal suffrage. Even the arch imperialist Churchill signed away the British empire in 1940 with the Atlantic Charter founding the UN. Likewise in America, if African Americans were men, then they had the same rights as white men under the law and constitution, once amended. The same thing happened with women across the Anglo world in 1920 when they got the franchise. As time goes on liberal democracy and the rule of law leads to the inclusion of more groups into society and political power. That's the problem the current crop of republicans have with it, they want minority whites only rule and the law does not work that way unless twisted and perverted to suppress the vote of people they don't like.
I'm from California and now live in Southern Illinois.
I just got an invite from the V.A. to be a paid poll worker.
I just called my County Offices here and I found out Illinois is either the last or one of the very last to define Poll Workers as partisan.
Yes that is right there isn't any non-partizan poll workers here in the State of Illinois.

Those old bones still rattle.

Well I am an American so I have the idea that we are working for a "More Perfect Union."
Does that mean the States should get along as in the old Slave v Free or has it morphed into human rights?