Libertarianism makes you stupid

You guys are making math jokes about Libertarians, all the while licking the loafers of a guy who doesn't know how to count (votes). In fact, your boy is such an imbecile, even his attorney(s) can't count either.

Yall better slow your role on the math jokes. Your hypocrite is showing.
You guys are making math jokes about Libertarians, all the while licking the loafers of a guy who doesn't know how to count (votes). In fact, your boy is such an imbecile, even his attorney(s) can't count either.

Yall better slow your role on the math jokes. Your hypocrite is showing.

Blah blah blah Conservatives can’t do basic math either.
You guys are making math jokes about Libertarians, all the while licking the loafers of a guy who doesn't know how to count (votes). In fact, your boy is such an imbecile, even his attorney(s) can't count either.

Yall better slow your role on the math jokes. Your hypocrite is showing.
… we have a boy?
You guys are making math jokes about Libertarians, all the while licking the loafers of a guy who doesn't know how to count (votes). In fact, your boy is such an imbecile, even his attorney(s) can't count either.

Yall better slow your role on the math jokes. Your hypocrite is showing.

US libertarian ideology is based upon the rejection of math and science. This from the very people who created the ideology (with the help of Koch family largesse):

The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

What a dumbass religion you have. They avoid math and science because it contradicts their cult leaders.

lulz at the libertarian belief in "market forces". There is no such thing. Libertarian ideology is and always was a tool of the wealthy to justify their greed to gullible people who world rather believe than think. Praxeology lulz
You guys are making math jokes about Libertarians, all the while licking the loafers of a guy who doesn't know how to count (votes). In fact, your boy is such an imbecile, even his attorney(s) can't count either.

Yall better slow your role on the math jokes. Your hypocrite is showing.
please clarify about what particular hypocrisy we're showing? who doesn't know how to count? trump? republicans in general? that's not right, they know how to count good enough to demand that the governor of Georgia help them steal 11780 votes so trump could steal the election, just like he's stolen everything else he has...
please clarify about what particular hypocrisy we're showing? who doesn't know how to count? trump? republicans in general? that's not right, they know how to count good enough to demand that the governor of Georgia help them steal 11780 votes so trump could steal the election, just like he's stolen everything else he has...
It took Trump four whole seconds to say that number out loud
please clarify about what particular hypocrisy we're showing? who doesn't know how to count? trump? republicans in general? that's not right, they know how to count good enough to demand that the governor of Georgia help them steal 11780 votes so trump could steal the election, just like he's stolen everything else he has...
11,781 but who’s counting? :roll: