liberal PUSSIES keep misgendering my potatoes

Right leaning people tend to feel incredibly imposed upon by other people's lives and words. It's fueled by delusions of grandeur and it causes them to think that everything that happens in the world is somehow about them.
i dont' understand how the righties on this forum support republicans and marijuana in the same breath. are they stupid? are they hypocrites? both? neither?
i dont' understand how the righties on this forum support republicans and marijuana in the same breath. are they stupid? are they hypocrites? both? neither?

Fucking THANK YOU. That irks the shit out of me as well. It's like going to get an abortion while preaching about Jesus, make your damned choice already. I think they're opportunists, just growing weed to sell and not really being part of, or even understanding, the bigger picture.
Fucking THANK YOU. That irks the shit out of me as well. It's like going to get an abortion while preaching about Jesus, make your damned choice already. I think they're opportunists, just growing weed to sell and not really being part of, or even understanding, the bigger picture.
i lived in SC for many years. same thing there. these guys preaching about jesus and being a good christian and then driving over to the next county to buy their booze so nobody from church saw them. lol. f'ing hypocrites.
Looks like I found the triggered pussy.
Oh, hi!!!

Not that I've missed you or anything but you must have been so busy that you forgot to answer the question I asked you earlier.

If you recall, you were talking about how Democrats and Republicans are the same and how this country doesn't measure up to you expectations. So, I'd like some clarification. To help me understand what in hell you are trying to say, which major country or society matches your expectations? Any time or place, just tell us which country or society that was able to defend itself and have a thriving population matches your belief and expectations?

Or are you just talking out your ass?
The funniest thing is how Fox News has been pushing this "cancel culture" theme for the last few months, through all of it's infotainers, NON STOP. They know that it takes constant repetition to indoctrinate and radicalize a group of people....honestly, I think they are doing this in anticipation of Trump's future prosecution for financial and/or sexual crimes. They find a single nerd on a social media platform using a "cancel" hashtag and suddenly it's the ENTIRE LEFT "cancelling" this person. It's a bad joke, and Fox viewers are like baby birds gobbling up this slop as Mommy Bird Carlson barfs it into their mouths. I don't know a single person irl who has even heard of "cancel culture" except for my relatives who watch FOX.
I have very strong feelings about syrup. If my breakfast doesn't involve a little bit of sweet sweet racist condiments I really can't get my boner up for another day of pulling myself up by my bootstraps.