LEWPS 5x5x78 grow tent plan

I recently got my 5x5 tent I'm piece by piece planning to setup, I have a few questions and in general would just like some opinions.
I currently run a smaller tent at about 3x3 on two cheap 300w leds actual draw around 130 each and have had some pretty good success so far two plants at a time but am planning to move to my bigger tent after this harvest.

Here is my plan for my 5x5:
Two 4" intake/exhaust fans
One carbon filter
Two clip 8" fans
One Oscillating tower fan
Two bestva 1000w led lights
One or two higrow 300w leds (130w actual)

I plan to start 4 plants and don't need the biggest yield but am hoping for a decent one.
My idea for airflow is to use one intake fan as just that, to intake fresh air from outside and to use my second with a carbon filter as an exhaust to exhaust hot, lingering air outside. Also to have my oscillating tower fan do most of the circulating of said air around the same level as the plants on a low setting with my clip fans above the canopy on either side to ensure an all around fresh breath of air.
For lighting I plan to hang the two 1000w bestvas directly over the canopy while it needed setting my lower wattage 300s on an angle at either side of the tent to ensure an overall reflection and distribution.
I plan to use my scrog nets as well for an even canopy.
I am on a budget so if I can get away with the cheaper leds I plan to as it definitely helps me to cut my budget and allow me some room for upgrades as I see fit throughout.
Is my plan pheesable? The reviews lead me to believe these are probably one of the better Cheap Chinese Leds has anybody used them before and had decent results?
My lightings the only thing I'm truly unsure of but if you feel I've missed anything else by all means feel free to say so this is only my second tent setup so any improvement from the last is a step in the right direction for me and any advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
All those LEDs add up to about 630w total real power. You will be fine if you don't try and fill your space wall to wall.
Probably stick to 4x4 of your 5x5.

The issue with your extraction is you want your intake less than your extraction. It sounds like your planning on using two of the same fan, when you put your carbon filter on your going to lose 25% of your power and your intake will be more powerful. This will create positive pressure and smell will leak out of your tent.

You may be better with both fans, if you already own them, as extraction and going passive on the intake. 4" fans are a bit weak for airflow on 600+ watts. It depends on your ambient temps really, if you can only afford for temps to rise a few degrees then more airflow will be needed. If your in a cold climate you may be ok.

If it were me I would just buy a second hand 600w or 1000w HPS and a cooled hood. It should be cheaper to do that than buy a lot of cheap leds. But still im interested to see the results if you do do it.
All those LEDs add up to about 630w total real power. You will be fine if you don't try and fill your space wall to wall.
Probably stick to 4x4 of your 5x5.

The issue with your extraction is you want your intake less than your extraction. It sounds like your planning on using two of the same fan, when you put your carbon filter on your going to lose 25% of your power and your intake will be more powerful. This will create positive pressure and smell will leak out of your tent.

You may be better with both fans, if you already own them, as extraction and going passive on the intake. 4" fans are a bit weak for airflow on 600+ watts. It depends on your ambient temps really, if you can only afford for temps to rise a few degrees then more airflow will be needed. If your in a cold climate you may be ok.

If it were me I would just buy a second hand 600w or 1000w HPS and a cooled hood. It should be cheaper to do that than buy a lot of cheap leds. But still im interested to see the results if you do do it.
When it comes to my fans I am planning to use two of the same fan however I do have dial controllers for each for the exact reason you just described and as you said my carbon filter will weaken my exhaust a bit to begin with, I just don't think my little 4" inline boosters from my 2.5x2.5 is gonna cut it in my 5x5 like they do in my smaller tent.
As for the lighting I am only planning a small grow, my main reason for upsizing my tent was quickly realizing how difficult it is to get around my tiny garden in order to maintain and care for my babies once they started stretching.
I probably would have been fine with a 4x4 but I caught my 5x5 on sale and couldn't refuse the price.
I already own two cheaper leds with a power draw of 130w each (claimed at 300w of course) so I'm hoping to only buy one or maybe two more at most to add to my rather small total of 260w actual wattage I'm probably going to purchase the bestva "1500w" with an actual draw at around 450w and have a grand total of 710w total to start off with the option of one more light in the future if I see fit for one
All those LEDs add up to about 630w total real power. You will be fine if you don't try and fill your space wall to wall.
Probably stick to 4x4 of your 5x5.

The issue with your extraction is you want your intake less than your extraction. It sounds like your planning on using two of the same fan, when you put your carbon filter on your going to lose 25% of your power and your intake will be more powerful. This will create positive pressure and smell will leak out of your tent.

You may be better with both fans, if you already own them, as extraction and going passive on the intake. 4" fans are a bit weak for airflow on 600+ watts. It depends on your ambient temps really, if you can only afford for temps to rise a few degrees then more airflow will be needed. If your in a cold climate you may be ok.

If it were me I would just buy a second hand 600w or 1000w HPS and a cooled hood. It should be cheaper to do that than buy a lot of cheap leds. But still im interested to see the results if you do do it.
Honestly I agree on the HPS, I would love to go with lights I already know and have a decent understanding of, unfortunately they can be hydro suckers and my three kids are pretty good at that themselves they dont need any help draining my wallet, laundry and central air plus HPS, I'd rather spend the money once and not repeativily my Bill's have too much control over my wallet as is. leds are kinda new to me, heard of em but first time using em was about 5 months ago personally the amount I pay at once for them still stands proud against my hydro bill every couple months
Seeing as my 1500w shall arrive today let's get it started here is my set up so far, nothings actually plugged in and I still have yet to install my intake and exhaust. scrog setup cause I desperately need to move a 8 week old that was supposed to be an auto yet is still stretching as it has reached my light at max height in my smaller tent even though I've been LST consistently and has still has yet to bud. Higher light will be lowered to same level as the one across my fasteners broke so I'm running out to get a new pair. Light to come will be centered over the canopy with the two "300ws" angled from the sides for a better penetration and reflection
20180810_055925.jpg 20180810_060000.jpg trying to add a net proved pretty useless you dont need to tell me I scrogged wrong I'm pretty aware, basically using it to balance my tallest plant as it's almost fallen over a few times, unfortunately I didn't scrog anywhere near early enough so we have continued to shoot up instead of out.
Other than that my two girls are flourishing since the move to the bigger tent, smaller ones definitely taking the indica dominance seriously as it's pretty much stopped growing vertical and instead keeps branching out becoming a bush while the other is growing like a good old sativa Christmas tree.
all I really need to do is upgrade my exhuast as I'm still using my 4" from my 2.5x 2.5. My temps are between 70-75F with a slightly higher humidity than I'd like at about 68-72%.
Just an update to anybody interested, running two 300w leds with one 1500w and dont see any slowed growth but still plan to upgrade from my 300ws to hopefully two 600w with less of a blurple spectrum but for now it's working great (also nowhere near as blurple as the picture shows thank my phones Camara for the shitty picture) and my exhuast for the most part is doing its job.
As I'm not overly concerned with smell I have temporarily removed my carbon filter to improve exhuast output as well as added my booster fan to the end of my ducting as an extra boost out the window seeing as my vents provide more than a fair amount of fresh air as it is thanks to the exhausts suction.

Currently running only two girls but planning to add a couple fastbuds auto strains probably a gorilla glue or two and a fastberry but I also have some BlackBerry and two random freebies. contacted g13 and they confirmed that it's more than likely I was misinformed and the seeds I originally got were not autos I have taken the two already growing off the 12/12 cycle In Hope's of a little more growth before full out flowering, also allowing the autos I plan for to have much more light as in sure everyone's aware the more light the better with auto strains (to a point).