Some people know what this is, and some don't. For those who do not, Lettuce Opium or "Wild Lettuce" is a common weed that can be found in almost every backyard, but little do some people know this common weed holds a very uncommon surprise. Wild Lettuce, when extracted and smoked gives an opiate like effect for about 15-20 minutes, Although it has no opiates in it, it has a latex molecule that immitates opiates. It makes a fine tea and smoke along with other things. I have cultivated and used it as an at home remedy for aches and pains. It is also good for trying to get to sleep on restless nights. I do not personally use for recreational purposes, but i suppose one could, seeing as the effects are very noticeable and euphoric. I usualy take about 6 nice size plants and extract them by putting 1 cup of water in a pot and getting it to a nice simmer, then I take one of the plants and remove the leaves,chop the stem up, and throw it in the pot with the lid on. After the leaves cook down to hardly anything, I do the same with the next plant and so on, adding water only when needed to keep from scorching. When im done I will have two things, A ball of black resin type gunk and most of the leaves will survive so I keep them too. The resin, after about a day of drying is ready to smoke. With the leaves I roll them into a ball and get a nugget about the size of a Quarter (the money) and that can then be dried and smoked. Both of them are smokeable but the resin is stronger and last longer, The leaves i usually mix with tabbaco or weed when i feel like it.
Hope this helps anyone who didnt know about this backyard treasure =)