Hello, I already commented in your other thread yesterday. I'll assume you want some different opinions, so i'll be as brief as i possibly can.
First, i hate to be the bringer of bad news and hope that I'm wrong. Second picture along, about 2/3's the way down. There appears to be what might be bud rot. Where the fan leaves are turning dark and crispy at the cola. Open it up and have a look if you haven't already.
I recommend removing any leaves looking that way. Dead leaf material is asking for trouble.
To be really honest, you might have cut the fertilizer a little short and they've lost some of their legs.
They could honestly go longer if they let you.
I have a really keen sense of smell and always use my nose personally. There is a particularly distinct, very sweet aroma I find they have in the background when ripening. Once you've smelled them you'll know, and will never forget. I think your's look a ways off still...
But hell, don't take peoples word for it. Harvest when you feel and learn from it.
All the best!