Defending your home is different than defending your plants.
Would you blast someones leg or arm off for stealing your tomatoes?
The mentality around here of some of you is pretty sickening.
WOW where has spandy been? Ya know look at california grow room robberies, they dont come into your house for FUCKING tomatos man and they come in packing with groups ready to kill your ass. That is if your grow is big enough. THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR TOMATOS!!!! DUMBASS.
If its small grow, most of the time its a so-called friend or girlfriend that ganks it
I live with PTSD you dont wanna walk into my house uninvited!
Defending your home is different than defending your plants.
Would you blast someones leg or arm off for stealing your tomatoes?
The mentality around here of some of you is pretty sickening.
To be totally honest i understand what the point is he's trying to make,is it worth it to shoot down some ignorant 14 year old kid who tries to steal your plant out your yard? i say no you'll have bigger trouble then when you if that same 14 year old enters your home with a wepon and the intent to rob you by any means nessessary then by all means do what you have to do..By the way im from cali socal and i wonder how many of you have actually shot someone or killed someone? well i've done 18 years of prison time for varius shootings that to is something that lives with you for the rest of your life...One more thing before i go i'd like to address the poster that spoke about people being anti gun well im not anti gun but i am anti ignorance just becouse you have the right to own a gun dont mean you should,and for those that feel its nessessary to have an assault wepon, you are just as foolish because every wepon ive ever had in my life has come from you gun toten fredom of rights type.CRIMINALS DONT PURCHASE GUNS IN STORES THEY TAKE THEM FROM PEOPLES HOMES WHO HAVE NO WAY OF SECURING THEM.....Only the right to own them!!!!!
Atleast one person understands where I'm coming from. Everyone else seems to be a hip gangster wannabe and acts like they are ready to throw lead at anyone who crosses their path. End a life for any reason, justified or not, and it haunts you. You guys talking about knee capping people and putting knives in their hands and making them run there pockets and whatnot, yeah you are cool.
And just to throw this out there, I'm not anti gun either, I own over 20 of them, small collection but it works.
But I'll just leave like someone already asked so you guys don't have to keep justifying your badassness.
Im kinda scared of the same thing, I had a couple friends who knew that was gonna try growing but I told them all I chickend out. I dont wanna get robbed or snitche don. But I do have a blank firing 9mm that will sure make some mother twatters shit themselves. and I have a doberman pincherhe does live up to his breeds expectations. Check my grow if you wanna.
Hey thanks to you all for undestanding my point and dont get me wrong if anyone invades your home im all for it go for what you know....Truthfully it's in sme way not the guns fault, per capita in the USA we have far more people that should not have gun than those that do...That is scary..
By the way GanjaxBuz very nice start to your grow and i hope all go well looking good so far...Peace