Lets try this again,250Watt MH/HPS Kings Kush grow

yeah its not that im lazy about sending them its just i make a note of it to send them out some day then i go off and do something else and forget all about it, ull get em tho :p lol so anyways funny story. My dad recently found out about my grow because he was siting next to me in the hospital when i got the phone call telling me my plants had been cut by some fucking cocksucking jits that got 3 quarters of premie bud. anyways he used to grow way back when i was little in my shed outback with t5s and he just came over today out of no where and was like "so show me your growing equipment" and i was like...uhh okay so i brought him into my room and showed him my closet and hes like are those some special mango dango seeds you buy? and i was like yeah..i explained one was kings kush and the other was rocklock. then he started asking about what i fed them and how many watts i was using and cops flying over the house reading heat signs and all that lol, to say the least he sounded pretty interested and to me sounded like he was thinking about getting back in the game. was just funny to me so i thought id share :p
yeah its not that im lazy about sending them its just i make a note of it to send them out some day then i go off and do something else and forget all about it, ull get em tho :p lol so anyways funny story. My dad recently found out about my grow because he was siting next to me in the hospital when i got the phone call telling me my plants had been cut by some fucking cocksucking jits that got 3 quarters of premie bud. anyways he used to grow way back when i was little in my shed outback with t5s and he just came over today out of no where and was like "so show me your growing equipment" and i was like...uhh okay so i brought him into my room and showed him my closet and hes like are those some special mango dango seeds you buy? and i was like yeah..i explained one was kings kush and the other was rocklock. then he started asking about what i fed them and how many watts i was using and cops flying over the house reading heat signs and all that lol, to say the least he sounded pretty interested and to me sounded like he was thinking about getting back in the game. was just funny to me so i thought id share :p

lol. thats watsup! my mom helps me out with my grow too if im out or sumthin. she'll water them.. or chekc to mae sure its not too hot.. etc. shes cool about it. and k. lemme knoe wen santas package comes
lol yeah my mom helps me out too when im out or something and i wont be there the next day i have her water them and check on them and stuff lol. anyways DUDE the Floja arrived :D :D :D thanks alot man i really appreciate it now i cant forget about sending that Ice out :p and the genetics on the floja thanks for puting the cross on there i didnt know where it came from i knew it had to be some sort of flow cross er my bad flo im not sure if those are two different strains, flo x double purple doja ive never heard of the double purple but sounds awesome to me :D thanks again
Nice bro! My plants just turned 22 days old and they dont loo kas good as yours. BUt im also using only 92watts of CFL so I need to oget my game up. But one of them looks beautiful, ill post a pic when I get a chance. What cycle you suing? I was doing 21/3 but I just switched too 24/0 after reading that te plants seem too flower faster when swtiched too 12/12 when they were on 24.
Plants looking good so far man one thing that I have read though about the conversion bulbs is that you lose a lot of the linens unless its two separate bulbs it holds I was told the best thing to do is have a mh bulb and then switch it out to the hps for flowering I dunno it helps out but I considered it useful when I was told.that good luck though bro looks good so far
Nice bro! My plants just turned 22 days old and they dont loo kas good as yours. BUt im also using only 92watts of CFL so I need to oget my game up. But one of them looks beautiful, ill post a pic when I get a chance. What cycle you suing? I was doing 21/3 but I just switched too 24/0 after reading that te plants seem too flower faster when swtiched too 12/12 when they were on 24.

And ill always be a fan of the 18/6 cycle who'd is always up for debate I just feel every living thing needs a dark period for resting plus marijuana photoperjod is only 18 hours
No, don't get a gun, don't get any kind of weapon.

A grower with weapons deserves to be in a cage.

The way i see it is If i take all the time and effort to grow my ladies and someone just comes in breaks into my house and steals all my hard work they deserved to be shot, also there in my home so its totally within my rights. I wont kill them but ill blast a leg or arm or something
Nice bro! My plants just turned 22 days old and they dont loo kas good as yours. BUt im also using only 92watts of CFL so I need to oget my game up. But one of them looks beautiful, ill post a pic when I get a chance. What cycle you suing? I was doing 21/3 but I just switched too 24/0 after reading that te plants seem too flower faster when swtiched too 12/12 when they were on 24.

thanks for the compliments man, and im using 12/12 right now obviously for flowering, but i do 16/8 when i veg saves me some money instead of doing 18/6 or 24/0, and yeah man feel free to post some pics up on here of your girls :p Im going to be taking some pics here soon i just got my grow tent but they didnt send me all the parts so i got to wait like another week to set it up..
Plants looking good so far man one thing that I have read though about the conversion bulbs is that you lose a lot of the linens unless its two separate bulbs it holds I was told the best thing to do is have a mh bulb and then switch it out to the hps for flowering I dunno it helps out but I considered it useful when I was told.that good luck though bro looks good so far

thanks bro, yeah i do have 2 diff bulbs i have an hps and a mh, i just have a switchable system so i can run both at any time on my reflector. thanks for stopping by :p
So my tent that i ordered got here today but no damn plastic fittings to put the whole thing together so i have a whole tent and all the metal bars but no fittings to put it together..so if all goes well i should get fittings within the next week or so but im pissed because ive been waiting for this tent for awhile now and now i have to wait even longer, BUT anyways the plants are doing good the rocklock STINKS smells real dank already and the Kings kush is starting to show resin development already at like 10 or so days of flowering. So im going to take some pictures here in a little bit and ill have them uploaded within an hour or so
Hey man was readind the thing Fuck I want one too!. But even if you were legal it's like 2 extra felonies for any kind of self defense weapons. It's bullshit

Look at what I gotta protect


Thats 2 different sides

I worry more about burglary than police
You said it was ok to put some pics up lol
wow nice looking garden man, and yeah i know i get in twice the trouble with a fire arm but i still think its worth it, just for the peace of mind it brings. and yeah lol its fine to put pics up helps keep things interesting :p
btw the pics where taken after the lights where off for about an hour or two thats why the rocklocks leaves are a little droopy