Ive experienced a lot in my travels... =)
This is a Peruvian Torch during the winter, in Ollantaytambo, Peru. It is standing next to a 500-600 year old Fertility Idol, at the foot of the citadel there. This particular one was 2" in radius, (4" diameter, 12" circumference) and about 3 feet tall.
The area around this mountain enclosing the Ollantaytambo citadel was ABSOLUTELY COVERED in 4-8 foot clusters. In the general area is enough alkaloids to send a city of 40,000 inhabitants on a ride that would change their lives forever, and connect them to the Earth in ways unimaginable to anyone who has not been initiated into the sacred cactus. (this part of the wall would supply maybe 250-300 people with a 12 hour trip. I was floored at the sight. And yet again remember, this is the winter months. The air was crisp, humidity was near zero. Early morning until 12pm temperatures were in the 30°F's, while after 12pm it would get pretty hot, maybe in the 90°Fs, subsiding around 6pm then getting cold again. So temperature swings were pretty constant. No rain in 7 days through several regions covering over 900 miles. Some snow above 16,000 feet. [spiky bushes come up to mid upper thigh -- about 28". Measurements not accurate since i dont go on vacation with a tape measure, though now maybe I should.

cactus average 34"-72"]
I had asked our tour guide to point to the cactus because he looked so good and professional doing it and it would give friends at home a good kick. He very well knew the power of the cactus. [windows of ruins in background are about 3feet tall. Distance from standing point to wall was about 30 yards.]
A bit closer picture of some that only get a little sun, until after 12pm. (compared with the eastern side of mountain) [10 foot one in middle, lower half covered in a sort of lichen or something. 2 8footers flanking, and then three, 3-5ft perhaps]
I have tried several different cacti and other herbs, fruits, yada yada. By far, as a repeat use, I rate brigesii as #1 because its powerful but not as bad to choke down. Cactus juice/slime makes me hurl thinking about it. No more talk of that. #2 San Pedro because it floors you into reflection on everything good and bad, in about an hour. However, it is way way way bitter and 16-24oz (MY DOSE. I STRONGLY RECCOMMEND starting at about 8oz for 170lb as a starting dose. Drink that for your first trip. If it is not sufficient, try 12oz next time. But DO NOT drink 8oz, wait 2 hours, then prepare more, say 8oz to total 16oz. Holy Jesus Christ the cactus would punish you for such arrogance! (I have been victim to my own such arrogance and have thus become enlightened)
If you try to do anything inside, your inner mind is going to fight you. It will take you into a darker hole of thoughts. On these cacti, your senses are much improved. You can visually see the blood pumping through the veins in a person's foot, from 6 feet away, for instance. If you are sharing the experience, this can be confirmed by everyone seeing the same. Those with bad eyesight can focus better, and see better, more aware. Everyone is able to focus on many many things at once. For instance, look up into the sky and look at one star. Hah! you cant! This new perception is what helped the Incas map the stars and track movements. You literally see thousands of stars at once, AND CAN FOCUS ENOUGH TO NOTICE MOVEMENTS! In the Sacred Valley, the sky is so clear that whn on cactus the experience is absolutely amazing. BEST 16 (in ritual inebriated state) hours of my life possibly. Along with other events in this journey, this was directly responsible for a better personal worldview, and a drive to produce results in the world based on my own direct actions.
I very much approve of the use of These sacred cacti -- but only when used in a respectful manner, noting dosage procedures, and paying homage to the cactus, and your respective God for putting the plant before you OBVIOUSLY for the purpose you are about to experience. It gets you closer to God -- a sort of direct toll line, if you will.
Toll line, I say... because there is definitely a toll. For me, I can never seem to get over the evils completely, though I have corrected so many things about myself from subsequent journeys from my first, and the more I understand, the more powerful each trip becomes. If you go it with a sense of purpose, you will unlock knowledge and perspectives and a vision for the Earth itself that you can connect to with more every day and more every time you use it. But if you drink this gift from God simply thinking you are going to get high, hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Remember this, I guarantee you no matter your body size, if you have a simple mind, the cactus will let you know.
No food. No drink, except water. No pot. Go outside, you dont want to know everything that is wrong in your life and how bad you live, or how selfish you are.... im telling you, your house is a trap when taking cactus. Movies are dis-interesting, games suck and are boring, but if you look outside about 45 minutes to 1 hour after consumtion, when you notice you are tapping your fingers, biting your lip, wiggling your foot -- something indicating anxiety, look outside. You might even notice out of the corner of your eye, a plant gently beckoning you to come outside, or a tree branch stretching into view to get your attention.
Look at every tree leaf wiggle on a tree 50feet away. Watch about 12 birds in your backyard, flying or not, at once. Watch a tree or bush breathe. Go walk in the woods, or hike, but only where you know it is familiar. If you are not a hiker, stay near your home.
And if you have any type of emotional trauma in your life, be prepared to visit that in all its glorious detail. Be aware of that. But be aware you might also be releived of its entrapment, or weight on your soul. Those of you know what I am talking about. This can make things right, but realize your mind can always control your trip. You always have control, its the matrix red pill. You are coming out of the matrix.
...out of the matrix....
You also very much need someone to babysit who is not tripping. They can be smoking pot, but not the trippers. No drinking though, they need to be cognizant enough to be able to "steer" the trippers in the event someone turns south. Simple positive encouragement, that the bad is coming out in physical form, that it is a ritual, that they must face their demons, etc., makes getting through it better.
muahahahaha go on!
The more enlightened ones in the world, the better. We need some hope.