lets talk abt why pot smokers are generally emotionally unstable

i think everyone is emotionally unstable tbh. most people just drown that with X drug. could be cannabis, could be crack, most likely it is alcohol though as that is the least frowned upon poison in society.

in reality everyone got there own shit to deal with emotionally could be issues with finances, relationship, lack of relationship, stress from MANY things school, mentally/physically abused by partner in current or previous relationships, etc..

i don't use cannabis to escape my issues; been there done that back in highschool. you know what happened? ended up failing 2 whole grades and barely graduated on time with my class. ended up having to spend lots of my summers or time after school/winter break taking courses to make up credits to graduate on time. i wasn't stupid just depressed and suicidal. Now im 26 i grow and i smoke occasionally but i don't abuse it the same way i did before. i smoke mainly to relax i work as a cook it's a very stressful field to be in having orders to make at very fast speeds and every customer is a critique you don't make it right the first time they send it back you get yelled at by the server and the chef. it happens a lot nobody is perfect and what you consider say Medium rare someone else might consider medium or rare so it's extremely hard to please a customer in this field. with shit like yelp as well it's even worse because many people eat at restaurants now days based on yelp reviews all them cool kids do at least.

i also smoke cause i have issues sleeping ever since i was little i can't get a good night sleep i wake up 10-30 times a night tossing and turning. could be ideal temperature i just cant stay asleep. if im up for long it helps but that screws with my sleep schedule as well. that is why im always so tired
Money ,Weed ,And Women.. fucked me up.. thought I was having fun in my younger days... now I think I smoke to keep me calm.. a total fucking WRECK..bongsmilie

So now I’m on bout a gram every 4-6 hours as needed..

I need my prescription filled:wall:
Money ,Weed ,And Women.. fucked me up.. thought I was having fun in my younger days... now I think I smoke to keep me calm.. a total fucking WRECK..bongsmilie

So now I’m on bout a gram every 4-6 hours as needed..

I need my prescription filled:wall:
lower your tolerance lol thats the only good part to smoking for me my tolerance is kept low so i dont blow through so much. with tobacco it's different i can chain smoke that shit and get no buzz unless i don't smoke for 12+ hours
lower your tolerance lol thats the only good part to smoking for me my tolerance is kept low so i dont blow through so much. with tobacco it's different i can chain smoke that shit and get no buzz unless i don't smoke for 12+ hours
Yeah I’m about to go on my 420:shock:.. 4 days off 20 on.. my only means of tolerance control:finger:.
man, I just had to spend like almost 3 hours at a school function, my tolerance for "thy neighbour" is very low at the moment.
I got awards day tomorrow with the kids..
Probably have smoke meeting with the parents afterwards :clap:.. just kidding