Lets Talk About Rust Fungus & What You Need To Know.

thank you for your input i have the issue in the first pic, thought it was nutrient lockout. I received my plants earlier than expected and still need to pic some things up like ph stuff; the pic had me worried this was my prob i was about to hack the leaves off even though my room is well vented and proper temp simply because the pic was exactly like mine
thank you =) you we're a big help
Hi Mistress when ya have some time would appreciate your opinion on the pics ive uploaded def in need of advice cheers
Hi Mistress when ya have some time would appreciate your opinion on the pics ive uploaded def in need of advice cheers

The top colas are affected over a 48 hour period not sure if it was right but i decided to cut them off to prevent furher rot if thats what has happened i will def be trying to life and learn from this first grow but im ok with that gotta learn to grow great


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How’s it going everybody, I’ve been better myself. I have a full blown rust problem, I’m about to cut one down that’s absolutely beautiful besides the obvious rust issue. My question: can I still use my trim or does it all get tossed at this point? Thanks in advance.
take two asprin 350 mg put into quart mister.. give that a try. There are more than 4,000 species of rust fungi, found on a wide range of wild and cultivated plants . to say it is not real is not a good idea.
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Well this rust thing is real Working on trying to remove it.. with dyna gro Silica green cure and Og biowar foiler spray. little ones seem to be doing better..
So this is my first experience with these rust spots,but they are only on 1 plant, I thought it was calmag as I didn't use any lime due to rising ph, anyone clarify what I got? Any suggestions appreciated


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I think I have this...rusty looking leaves that doesn't go aeaw with Cal mag or fugicides...my question is..does this affect your flowers when I flip or just leaves? Will it hurt yield? Should I pull affected plant?
What Is Rust Fungus?
Rusts are plant diseases caused by pathogenic fungi of the order Pucciniales(previously also known as Uredinales). About 7800 species are known. Rusts can affect a variety of plants; leaves, stems, fruits and seeds. Rust is most commonly seen as coloured powder, composed off tiny aeciospores which land on vegetation producing pustules, or uredia, that form on the lower surfaces.

How Does It Spread Infection?

he main cause for Rust is night time temperatures being too cold with a high humidity.
Rust fungus produce asexual spores which are spread like wildfire by water, wind or bugs. Pathogenic fungi are biotrophs meaning they take the nutrients they need directly from the plants cell tissue. Once the spores settle on a plant hydrophobic interactions are formed on the plants cell surface through a process that isn't fully understood yet the Rust fungus produces a sticky like substances which attaches the spore to the plant. Once attached to a host plant the Rust fungus spores germinate by growing a "germ tube" eventually reaching a stoma, once inside the hyphae tips flatten out to lock into cell walls. A "peg" then grows into the plants mesophyll cells its creates specialised tips "Haustorium", they spread around cells without affecting the membranes. The plants membranes invaginate around the haustorial forming a open space. Iron & phosphrous rich neck bands connect the plant and fungi known as apoplast which prevent nutrients from reaching the plants cells, its grows until its produces new spores which is repeated every 10-14 days.

Currently there are 2 or 3 types of Pathogenic fungi which are resistant to sterilization. (Bleach washes, Sulphur Candles, Soapy washes etc.). One of the best preventions you can take in your grow room is to have proper temperature, ventilation and always disinfect your room after every grow. Spraying plants 1 or 2 a week with some kind of fungicide (I prefer Sulphur based) is also great since it reduces the changes of spore germination.

Its extremely hard to get rid of once you got it most fungicides with help slow it down but not kill it completely. At this time the only way to cure a plant once Rust fungi has gotten hold is with Systemic fungicide which runs through the plants cells killing any fungi it comes into contact with, which also can be bad since it will kill helpful fungi as well. Any infected plant material should be burnt or put in a garbage bin outside of the home as composting and leaving it a normal garbage will just spread the infection more.

If you think you noticed Rust fungi act right away because the more time it has to establish the harder it is to get rid of!

Thanks for reading!

I recently decided to write this after I was hit a Rust fungi attack in my last grow. At first I thought it was a Mag/Cal as I experienced the same symptoms yellowing drooping leaves, browning at tips and edges etc. So I do what I normally do hit them with some Epsom salts/Egg shells which usually works like a charm to my surprise 2 days later they looked even worse so I gave them some Epsom again and samething. So I headed on over to Google and RIU of course trying to figure out what it was threads/links I could find suggested that it was just a Cal/Mag deficiency but I thought other-wise, so after browsing the net for 2 days I actually come across a forum about Rust fungi and boom thats what I had there was next to no information about. So I wrote this hoping it would provide easy/more information about the Rust fungi & Marijuana and open some more eyes, as I've seen self proclaimed experts mislead people saying its Cal/Mag deficiency, when its really Rust fungi.

How about mine you think it’s a cal mag or rust ??
Guy at hydro store told me cal mag . Because since the time I transplanted them in the ground I haven’t used any nutrients. Ph is 7


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How about mine you think it’s a cal mag or rust ??
Guy at hydro store told me cal mag . Because since the time I transplanted them in the ground I haven’t used any nutrients. Ph is 7
Cal mag, Epsom should do it.
But they are wanting nutrients period.
Hey everyone, new here. Just trying to figure out what’s wrong with my plant. It seems this is the cause. Can anyone confirm that they think my problem is rust fungi or is it something else. Pictures look different but seems to look like rust spots. 1C79D19E-9802-4259-8C15-FFBD82F13730.jpeg
Most people say this is cal/mg def but ive seen this before and it actually looks like rust spots has gotten onto your plant.
Is this rust fungus?


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Not one pic in this thread is rust fungus. I've had it once in 15 years. Kinda rare. That's why there aren't any threads about it.
Can you please help me out ?


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I've had this coloration on s ok me leaves but it does not wipe off. I got it last year when n.v I grew dark angel and it came back again this bgg year when I grew the same strand but it is not on any other plants. But I do have rust around the holes of my pots. All the pots have this rust but only one plant has shown signs of leaf damage in the last 4 weeks. Just on the DA every time I grow it. I was trying to research this and found nothing on the subject except this thread. The rust spots do not rub off and they are slowly spreading in this one plant. I also had so PM this grow bc of dropping temps but I am managing it pretty well. As well as u can for week 6 of flower anyways.
I've had this coloration on s ok me leaves but it does not wipe off. I got it last year when n.v I grew dark angel and it came back again this bgg year when I grew the same strand but it is not on any other plants. But I do have rust around the holes of my pots. All the pots have this rust but only one plant has shown signs of leaf damage in the last 4 weeks. Just on the DA every time I grow it. I was trying to research this and found nothing on the subject except this thread. The rust spots do not rub off and they are slowly spreading in this one plant. I also had so PM this grow bc of dropping temps but I am managing it pretty well. As well as u can for week 6 of flower anyways.
Got some pics? Close ups as well?

Rust fungus looks like a fuzzy rust thats on top of everything, like you will see it cover trichomes indicating that it's not in the leaf. Could be a magnesium deficiency if it's not RF.
Got some pics? Close ups as well?

Rust fungus looks like a fuzzy rust thats on top of everything, like you will see it cover trichomes indicating that it's not in the leaf. Could be a magnesium deficiency if it's not RF.

I'll post a pic tomorrow when lights on.

It's not fuzzy. They are colored spots on the leaf that do not wipe off. It's only on the leaves none on steps of buds..or even on the sugar leaves. Just fan leaves mainly.. ones close to the top but a few towards the middle as well. Only on that specific genetic. But on all of the pots there is a rust or brown build up on the holes at the sides of the pot on the bottom. Same thing happened last grow. Strange.
I think I have this problem, the only difference between mine and those is they yellow and curl up after the initial rust on the leaf ends. Do you think that would be rust disease or something different?


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