Well-Known Member
I think we are at a tipping point and need to grow hemp to save the planet. http://world.time.com/timelapse/

Yeah but I swear, if the dinosaurs were still around, some folks would be more worried about the dino's good health vs us humans
Except is easier to grow good weed vs making good booze in the bathtub. Maybe not great weed but weed that is still good enough to use. Good tobacco is harder to grow then OK weed. Best tobacco is grown in Cuba, maybe the best weed is grown in Jamaica ?
I don't see weed becoming like Tobacco, its users care more about what they are smoking. I don't even smoke joints very often cause who wants to smoke paper, not me. I rather do bong hits, lol
I can't predict whats going to happen, if I was told 10 years ago that MM would be legal in Michigan and 4 states will have legal pot for all adults, I would had said no freaken way. So I'm not making any guesses but I hope U aren't right or I be growing my own bid
Yeah but I swear, if the dinosaurs were still around, some folks would be more worried about the dino's good health vs us humans
Dinosaurs never did anything to you? The web of life is complicated and every piece has its reason. I figure get with it or get out of it. So far humans as a species have done very little to encourage life. If the planet is a leaving breathing entity of its own (as I believe) we as a species are probably an unwelcome guest.
Not something to joke about.
Hell no!maybe the best weed is grown in Jamaica ?
If the dinosaurs were still around, they would crush my 2 story house by stepping on it and they eat me alive as I ran out of the house, ha ha.
The Earth was too small for dinosaurs, IMO, thats why they died off and the birds replaced them.
I feel humans are the best animals to happen yet, We might not be the biggest or strongest but our sense of who we are and that we will die is unlike any other animal. I don't see apes, chimps or anything else building cars or planes. They just swing from tree to tree and eat--and fuck. Maybe not that bad of a life they have, ha ha
But I wanna also fly like a bird, that be so cool. Have a human that can also fly, that should be what replaces us one day
Thats true but then they can't get money to make any arrests.
That prevision was previously rejected a half dozen times in the past.
I think the DEA hands are now tied unless something more is going on. For sure the DEA will try different things now to twist things around. What, who knows, we have to wait and see. Maybe some agent will come inside looking to buy MM with some cocaine or heroin as a trade. Nothing surprises me now of days
Well cant it b like when people brew there own beer? Atleast thats how it is in colorado. Or am i wrong?
Unfortunately, if they leave the med states alone, the are going to have a stronger presence in the other 28 non-med states.