Lets play guess that Deficiency! pics


Well-Known Member
from the looks and reading around im guessin a little nitrogen and perhaps zinc? but i could use some pro advice please for the cure

some background info is:
plant is 105 days old from clone
yellowing is all on old growth also been in this container for a minute im about to replant so i don't know if being rootbound could be assisting with this problem...

so thanks in advance guys, like i said imma newbie so i just want to make sure everything goes smooth..cause from what im reading i got a lil bit of a deficiency of everything lol.


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in the stickies ive seen a description for yellow leaves with green veins..you have a perfect picture of one.
Looks like late MG deficiency? Are you using RO or distilled water? They are are missing MG if you don't add it back in.
that plant looks pretty healthy overall, is it just a few leaves with symptoms? Probably shouldnt overdo whatever you decide to add as a cure, I thought it looked like nitrogen defiency, theres one leaf that is straight up just yellow, no green stem at all. If its just those 6 leaves you porbably shouldnt over react. Im also a noob so no expert advice, just my oppinion
that plant looks pretty healthy overall, is it just a few leaves with symptoms? Probably shouldnt overdo whatever you decide to add as a cure, I thought it looked like nitrogen defiency, theres one leaf that is straight up just yellow, no green stem at all. If its just those 6 leaves you porbably shouldnt over react. Im also a noob so no expert advice, just my oppinion

nah its been more than just a few leaves im pulling a few off each day, i figure its a few things i think i figured out what i was doing wrong, i'd imagine ph'ing the water and such will set it back...
Looks like late MG deficiency? Are you using RO or distilled water? They are are missing MG if you don't add it back in.
yea i am just started to..im switching back though, also i wasn't ph'ing the water like i should be so that has a factor id imagine also
good looks ill try it out, this will fix what exactly though besides my problem?

Whoa I don't think thats a Mag defiency, I could be wrong, but those yellow parts wouldl have died and gone brown way earlier if it was mag, the whole leaf wouldnt go all yellow. I think it's Sulfur deficiency. Epsom salt would help with Magnesium deficiency because its 100% Magnesium Sulfate. I suppose it might help with Sulfer deficiency also, which might be why people are saying use Epsom salt. Not sure though
So how are the roots? How big of pot you in now and big you going to?
Do you under stand you wanna grow as fast as possible and 105 days is
what 15 weeks I don't grow from clones but I thought they would a little
faster than seeds? I'm sorry to say your plant is dying from old age:lol:
So how are the roots? How big of pot you in now and big you going to?
Do you under stand you wanna grow as fast as possible and 105 days is
what 15 weeks I don't grow from clones but I thought they would a little
faster than seeds? I'm sorry to say your plant is dying from old age:lol:

well its not dying from old age, but it might be getting rootbound. Just pop it out of the pot for a second and take a look. Thats a rather large plant, hopefully you can accomodate its height when it stretches in flower. or.... if you can keep it veggin until summertime... :bigjoint: