Lets just bomb em...


Active Member

Show me your math on that one Einstein!!!!!

We are losing mexico oil exports in less than 5 years. What does it mean when the only people that have significant oil reserves hate you????

ASk yourself that question genius. Let me help you out. INVADE


Well-Known Member
Bravo storm. someone who gets it. I've got nothing against jews either, but the way they treat the Muslims is pretty bad. They are killing like 100-1, using cluster bombs and napalm like their big brother, the USA.
thanks, but i feel i need to clarify, because it took me a long time to discover this difference...The Jews are not the ones I hate, i have friends who are Jewish, I work with Jews and live in a city full of Jewish people, The government of Israel while being religiously Jewish, is considered Zionist, those are the leaders who preach wiping out the Muslims at any cost, notice i say Muslims, because for the zionists thats it, thats how they justified killing 1000+ Civilians in my country in 30 days of bombing with cluster bombs white phosphorus incendiary munitions and hellfire strikes on fleeing families...they weren't looked at as people, they were simply "Muslims".

I have never said i hate Jews, or any religion, because religion isn't what fuels war, governments do. Yes there are Muslim fighters who claim a jihad against the US in Iraq, but how is it unjustified? I see video's of soldiers in Iraq calling Iraqi's "Al Ahkbar's" and "hadji's" and making comments about the daily prayers, mimicking them with bullhorns and basically shitting on their religion because it will make them angry.....

not a single pro-war american has been able to tell me what they would honestly do if the tanks rolled into their neighborhood killed their whole family and simply said "Oops" and continued on mowing down the neighbors, telling them they lived backwards That God wasn't real, and even though they wiped out all the civilians in your city, they were there to liberate them, what if the shoe was on the other foot? would it be so easy to sit back in your nice house and call these people terrorists if it were you fighting at home against a foreign invader? Or would those who seem so keen to attack another country run and hide if we were attacked here?

nobody looks at both sides anymore they just see thru cloudy tunnel vision of what the media reports....(which happens to have heavy influence from the zionist regime....)

maybe those who dont understand what i mean when i say we are committing atrocities would like to see proof,(since all rightwingers seem to like seeing bullshit maybe you need to start seeing truth of what is happening in the mideast thru pics)


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Well-Known Member

Show me your math on that one Einstein!!!!!

We are losing mexico oil exports in less than 5 years. What does it mean when the only people that have significant oil reserves hate you????

ASk yourself that question genius. Let me help you out. INVADE

whatever you have no clue, i am an Arab, born in Jordan, been to all the countries you claim to know shit about. I have close freinds in Iraq, its a clear fact that it is cheaper to buy the oil than have war that costs billions a day to just have to go and buy the oil anyway LIKE WE ARE DOING NOW!!!!!!!!.

you are really dumb im sorry to say, your post makes it sound like we get the oil for free now!!!???

we are paying for this war and are still paying top dollar for the oil!!! can you compute??? can u do math yourself? are you tarded, u have to be an ignomoranis to still say we did this to steal oil. save your traitorist propaganda for the ignorent muslims who have been mis educated looks like u in that boat too

so lets review. we went in there to prevent possible future attacks with WMDs that Saddam husain was just waiting for us to leave him alone to proceed with. all the while with abu musab al zaquwi in northern Iraq & Alquedas 2nd top tear leader was preparing missions against us, ansar al islam was his terrorist group because he didnt agree with Osamas tactics, he thought osama was too light handed and zarquiwi wanted his terrorist group to be a lot tougher!!!!! however they decide to officially unite now that the USA was gunning for them hard. You friend hosted by saddam hussain now becomes leader of Alqueda in Iraq?????? so we execute him and his host Mr. Saddam Hussain

good riddence!! seems like the exact thing we should have done. why do you people think we spend millti billions of dollar on our huge defense budget??? to just sit around an wait for these fools to kill your families?????????? fuck we have it there to KILL PEOPLE i know it aint pretty ladies but thats the way it has to be if you wanna be free to bitch & moan 24/7 non-stop

now we are trying to make sure Iran doesnt take over iraq and take the oil reserves cuz they will use that to hold the wolrd hostage.

americans dont steal, not real americans, i despise the lies you put forth against your own people. I would hazard to say you are probbaly not even an America i hope


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pandabear
true that, now boys lets look at the real point behind the first post and take it further.

America has the means to take all its enemies and destroy them by noon time today.

they would save countless of thier sons daughters mothers and fathers for centuries to come.

But we dont do it even tho it is in our very peoples interest........

What do you think our enemies would have done in our position?


Now the 64 million dollar question.........will you allow them to get in our position? or are you already allowing it? are "they" your democratic leaders already trying to allow them get into the position we are in, to have the capacity to burn and scorch the earth at thier leisure?

the answer if you are a democrate is. YES

So now u come on here calling people beasts for saying we should nuke our enemies, and all the while you are voting for your enemies to have the capacity to do the very same thing you condem your own people for suggesting.

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president

Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.

The populist leader's comments, reported by the state-run media, come at a time when Tehran is under pressure over its suspect nuclear weapons ambitions and alleged involvement in attacks on British troops in Iraq.

He said: "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world." He was addressing a conference titled The World Without Zionism.
His speech was immediately condemned by the US, Britain, France, Germany and Israel. The Foreign Office could not recall a similar statement from a senior Iranian leader since the former president Hashemi Rafsanjani five years ago called for a Muslim state to annihilate Israel with a nuclear strike. Since then, there has been a mild thaw in relations between Muslim states, including Arab ones, and Israel.

obviously no one take this as an attack I love everyone here just haveing a political debate.:hump:

bongsmilieget baked and debate

Panda... you have to listen to Rush or Hannity right, because nobody could be as ignorant as you without help....

is that your only retort to my elequent post??

dont you have a reply or you cant really agrue with it?

what is your response? where am I worng in my post? pls explain,

im waiting.


Well-Known Member
Stormfront, you realize your username is that of a leading white power website? I thought you were middle eastern?
stormfront - Google Search
had no clue...i don't really follow the steps of the Aryan fucks, could give a shit really, i would go under the arabic word for sandstorm, though I'd be the center of all these fuckers making stereotypes if i posted as "haboob"

Storming The front lines was a track I did in 06....which was shortened to storm front(like eastern front...) w/e I'm arabic I don't follow white power bullshit lol kinda funny though I should have googled the name lol

after looking at the wiki on it...i find it's ironic that the founder of it is named Don Black...gave me some laughs...but no, no association


Well-Known Member
had no clue...i don't really follow the steps of the Aryan fucks, could give a shit really, i would go under the arabic word for sandstorm, though I'd be the center of all these fuckers making stereotypes if i posted as "haboob"

Storming The front lines was a track I did in 06....which was shortened to storm front(like eastern front...) w/e I'm arabic I don't follow white power bullshit lol kinda funny though I should have googled the name lol

after looking at the wiki on it...i find it's ironic that the founder of it is named Don Black...gave me some laughs...but no, no association
When I first saw your avatar, then username, then your posts, my brain started to melt from massive confusion...


Well-Known Member
How was it illegal again, Grow? Could you specify?

That was rhetoric, I know you cannot.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The authorization was sought by President George W. Bush. Introduced as H.J.Res. 114[2] (Public Law 107–243), it passed the House on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 PM EDT on October 10, 2002 by a vote of 296-133,[3] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning at 12:50 AM EDT on October 11, 2002 by a vote of 77-23.[4] It was signed into law by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Your just like Hillary, caught in a lie.

Go ahead and say you "misspoke"

Silly liberals..
It would be fairly easy to prove ... but using a proxy will not allow link ... so you will have to do the leg work yourself ... It's pretty common knowledge that the war is illegal ... all you have to do is use google ... but since it will prove you're wrong ... you won't ... ... only congress has the power to declare war ... and that resolution was not a declaration of war ...... you are merely proving that fauxnews watchers are stupid ... nothing more ...


Well-Known Member
Grow you seem to be confident each bullshit line you tossed out is fact and can be proven by just walking down the street. I will post more zen hit you with a nice little begging of fact.Now Iam gonna call your bullshit.Post me one link for each of your claims that shows what your saying was excepted as international truth not just a US decided therory. It should be quite easy as you say as apparently you have this little box of shit no ones else was allowed to see. Ill wait for you to post and if you can not give several references to show what you claim then it will be agreed your just an idiot who speaks on personal thought rather then cold hard facts.War is not the issue of the thread and those who keep thinking its about war or to honestly bomb a ton of countries just watch and read as this it to far over your heads. Again this was to show how liberal and democrates skipp all the obvious pre action facts and make up an opinion based on myth and bits and pieces of incidents rather then basing what they say on the hard facts right in front of them if they just took the time to see.Again Rebel post those links disproving each of the 3 items I listed as not having happened.Ill wait as cocky as you seem with no facts this should be funny.If you can disprove the facts I posted that as zen began to show are indeed fact Ill aplogize openly to you put you wont be able to..Show the US had confirmed evidence of murders prior to 9-11 as you stated is truth.You wont be able to as we had no physical proof until we went in and actually dug up the graves.Show me were the UN was allowed to search and document every inch of the iRag country they requested without denile and then armed action taken against them..you cant as it happened and is actual history in the books now a.d while at it disprove me that Saddahm was a frien in 2003 as you claim and was not breaking all the imposed embargos put upon him in Desert Storm by the US and UN by illeaglly importing known emargoed materials..oh wait that was shown to be true in the tribunal court hearings against saddahm shown to the word internationally as documented by the UN courts not the US the UN.Post away..
Like I said before I am unable to post links using a proxy ... you should know that ... but lucky for you before I lost my connection I made several threads documenting much of what I have said ... knock yourself out ... ... and to make it easy for you I will bump them back up to the front ... so you can pretend like the rest that these war criminals are merely misunderstood ...... appropriate smilies here ....


Well-Known Member
Now you got plenty of links ... of course you will disregard them like the other bushies ... because it proves you wrong ... but what else is new?


Well-Known Member
It would be fairly easy to prove ... but using a proxy will not allow link ... so you will have to do the leg work yourself ... It's pretty common knowledge that the war is illegal ... all you have to do is use google ... but since it will prove you're wrong ... you won't ... ... only congress has the power to declare war ... and that resolution was not a declaration of war ...... you are merely proving that fauxnews watchers are stupid ... nothing more ...
You lose, Grow.

What I linked is concrete, irrefutable evidence, and still you persist with your crazy blogs and outlandish, uncredited sites. Your so predictable.

Some how you throw the term "fauxnews" even though I give you the bill Congress voted, and passed. Doesn't make sense. Go away.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pandabear
true that, now boys lets look at the real point behind the first post and take it further.

America has the means to take all its enemies and destroy them by noon time today.

they would save countless of thier sons daughters mothers and fathers for centuries to come.

But we dont do it even tho it is in our very peoples interest........

What do you think our enemies would have done in our position?


Now the 64 million dollar question.........will you allow them to get in our position? or are you already allowing it? are "they" your democratic leaders already trying to allow them get into the position we are in, to have the capacity to burn and scorch the earth at thier leisure?

the answer if you are a democrate is. YES

So now u come on here calling people beasts for saying we should nuke our enemies, and all the while you are voting for your enemies to have the capacity to do the very same thing you condem your own people for suggesting.

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president

Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.

The populist leader's comments, reported by the state-run media, come at a time when Tehran is under pressure over its suspect nuclear weapons ambitions and alleged involvement in attacks on British troops in Iraq.

He said: "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world." He was addressing a conference titled The World Without Zionism.
His speech was immediately condemned by the US, Britain, France, Germany and Israel. The Foreign Office could not recall a similar statement from a senior Iranian leader since the former president Hashemi Rafsanjani five years ago called for a Muslim state to annihilate Israel with a nuclear strike. Since then, there has been a mild thaw in relations between Muslim states, including Arab ones, and Israel.

obviously no one take this as an attack I love everyone here just haveing a political debate.:hump:

bongsmilieget baked and debate

I hope you realize that the statement about the "wiping Israel off the map" was most likely a misinterpretation of what he said. There's a story about it here: Just How Far Did They Go, Those Words Against Israel? - New York Times



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
No, some asshole pulled that shit on Hannity and Colmes show as well, it was funny because Hannity handed him the speech in both languages, there was no mis-interpretation. That sick son of a bitch wants a genocide.
Oh, I must have forgotten that Hannity was fluent in Farsi, on top of being infallible. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I must have forgotten that Hannity was fluent in Farsi, on top of being infallible. :joint:
No he isn't, quit side-stepping the obvious. What that crazed bastard said was understood clearly in his language and ours. I'm not just talking about that famous speech, he has made clear that he wants Israel destroyed.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Now Im confused how did this get to being about jews? Rebel what? You most certainly can post links on here using proxy and you can do it even if you use overseas encrypted security muti proxy servers so guess you just dont have any proof.You said you put a bunch of links in here to prove me wrong I dont see any and you just said you can post links which is it??You had a whole big work of prooof ready to go but lost your connection//sounds like alot of back peddling excuses to me.I give up on you as its obvious you talk out the side of your neck with nothing to back what you spout lol. It was fun though to watch you flounder and back out of it all making up excuses about proxies,waste of time, lost internet connections, alien abductions, yeheti ate my home work lol.Fun stuff


Well-Known Member
No he isn't, quit side-stepping the obvious. What that crazed bastard said was understood clearly in his language and ours. I'm not just talking about that famous speech, he has made clear that he wants Israel destroyed.
"Our position toward the Palestinian question is clear: we say that a nation has been displaced from its own land. Palestinian people are killed in their own lands, by those who are not original inhabitants, and they have come from far areas of the world and have occupied those homes. Our suggestion is that the 5 million Palestinian refugees come back to their homes, and then the entire people on those lands hold a referendum and choose their own system of government. This is a democratic and popular way."

"We Do Not Need Attacks" - TIME

Yeah, he's a fucking lunatic.


Well-Known Member
"Our position toward the Palestinian question is clear: we say that a nation has been displaced from its own land. Palestinian people are killed in their own lands, by those who are not original inhabitants, and they have come from far areas of the world and have occupied those homes. Our suggestion is that the 5 million Palestinian refugees come back to their homes, and then the entire people on those lands hold a referendum and choose their own system of government. This is a democratic and popular way."

"We Do Not Need Attacks" - TIME

Yeah, he's a fucking lunatic.
He has received political pressure from the U.N. and our public, he has to play politics, he, "misspoke" if you will and try to portray him as the good guy. Your a fucking lunatic, I'm done with you if your defending this guy.


Well-Known Member
Now Im confused how did this get to being about jews? Rebel what? You most certainly can post links on here using proxy and you can do it even if you use overseas encrypted security muti proxy servers so guess you just dont have any proof.You said you put a bunch of links in here to prove me wrong I dont see any and you just said you can post links which is it??You had a whole big work of prooof ready to go but lost your connection//sounds like alot of back peddling excuses to me.I give up on you as its obvious you talk out the side of your neck with nothing to back what you spout lol. It was fun though to watch you flounder and back out of it all making up excuses about proxies,waste of time, lost internet connections, alien abductions, yeheti ate my home work lol.Fun stuff
If your talking about Grow, I have seen her links, they all consist of unregulated, free-lance blogs and independent writers who have no first hand experience but somehow have an opinion on it. She loves these and will spam the forum with it, I cannot stress enough how uncreditible they are.