The last pictures were 25 hours ago. That was then, these are now........... But before we get started, lets get our DRYING AREA setup!
(This will be a long post with lots of pictures, 56.6k rednecks, sorry!)
This is Silica Dessicant/Dessicite. Its the shit you find in shoe boxes to keep humidity and moisture from ruining them. These are old packets, so...
In the oven they go! They will sit here for 12 hours cooking at.....
245(f). This bakes off the moisture that the dessicant has already absorbed and makes them good as new. Why did I choose 12 hours at 245(f)? That's what it says to do on the packages writing.
Lets start with the right side of the drawers, one nice shroom ready to harvest. The others on the same cake will wait another day or two. The other cakes are still slowly getting there.
Yep, its big.
All 9 of these cakes havent pinned yet. My guess is the cakes are still finishing up inside and we'll see pins in the next few days.
This drawer too!
One ready to harvest, lots of pins. Blurry, sorry.
Next drawer up, and lots of pins. These are strain Z.
Still strain Z.
Hey, look, no blur! Cambodian strain. Biggest mushroom so far on the back row. Harvested that and a few others here.
This cake is now upside down. These were growing from under it. As Darth suggested, we have no clue what way is really up. This one wanted this way so here it is!
That big one again
Nice little trio
Fuzzy white on the shroom. That bad or OK? I'll throw it away regardless because its fugly.
Next drawer up! Lots of pins especially the back left cake.
Todays harvest.
Todays harvest.
The biggest two from todays harvest.
This is everything the cakes have produced that were harvestable so far.
That's all for now. Another update tomorrow probably as I'm sure there'll be a lot to pick.

We'll go over what we do with the dessicant then too, for tonight they just sit on a screen with a cover so they air dry a little bit. Then we'll show how to get em nice and super dry and ready for packaging.