Let's get drunk!!!

herion, i'll never try it cause i know i'd never stop, 10 times stronger then the similar high of pharmaceuticals which i had trouble with in the past

I don;t know - I was on perks once aftter eye ulcers, and I was fuuuuuuuuucked.

Oh, and whatever they give you for face surgery. I was out. Them probably morphing after?

Fuck man. My spelling and/ or typing finger placement suuuucks on the drink. hahaha

what where we talking about?
I think I'm still drunk.

woke up with a knocked over pint.

needs more sleep
I feel still drunk tooooo!!!

I met a new woman friend who used to work with the boyf and lives right around the corner from me. AND she like weeeeeeed.

Drank until like 1:30am, which is late for an older-boring sauce such as myself.

Also still feeling drunk. hahah

I bet YOU are drunker though - you party lil eLed Zepplen compared to me.

Good Morning GIF DUMP:

giphy-4.gif giphy-3.gif always-sunny-philadelphia-drunk-festivals-gif.gif oH0PdrF.gif giphy-2.gif Ronswanson-drunk.gif giphy-1.gif ross-drunk-o.gif rhony-ramona-drunk.gif
I'm going to go pour a beer and figure this out.


hahah - it's like a series of clues!

I love detective work!

Right now I'm trying to find out why Swarth is so dead inside. You said you know him from other forums? I am so curious, does everyone hate him there too?
yup pretty much he acts completely different though, or I don't pay much attention.

anyways I'm checking my texts to see if I drunkenly messaged anyone. someone must know.

detective work is beginning after this coffee
an imperial stout and coffee.

@Yessica... pour yourself a glass of wine this it's going to be a long day.

so far I learned I was talking about some girl, heard knocking on my door and then some weird photos got sent.

o and no broken bones or bruises so win on my part!
an imperial stout and coffee.

@Yessica... pour yourself a glass of wine this it's going to be a long day.

so far I learned I was talking about some girl, heard knocking on my door and then some weird photos got sent.

o and no broken bones or bruises so win on my part!
YAY - well THAT's good!

I have to clean the house, do some laundry, bake a cake for the BBQ I am going to this eve, go for a dawg walk.

Oh fuck, and drive my buddy to the airport in an hour and a bit! hahaha

But - I am sure in all the inbetweener time I will be here.


o my last night is getting stranger

I called australia
ugh had some weird conversations via text
sent pictures that arent visible but evidence I was somewhere in my yard
still learning