Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
I might have been! Who knows! There's all sorts of pictures like these I forget what they are called. I've always had a need to turn a room into a place just full of these dirty japanese vintage pornos all framed and everything.
That'd be so awesome, it's fucking weird though. I'd never get laid if they went in there. OR I'd get laid in there because it's in there 0.o

..That'd be kinky.

I can't get drunk tonight I have to be up in six hours this sucks. :'(


Well-Known Member
What a bum night y'all..

slept till noon because sis didn't go to work, she left me alone..so now, here I sit, was about to go to bed and guess who is up for the day?

Got two caffeine pills going down right now..this sucks ass :( anybody awake...


Well-Known Member
Wake up tofu!!!!
Tofu awake!!!!

sorry man..I'm getting sick and it sucks..no energy, not even to type. Only reason I'm on now is cuz mom got up..I said ma, it's only 4 am and she said so?? I can get up if I want to. Yep. You sure can mom..lol I ain't tellin her she can't, she just digs her heels in. No sleepin for Rosey :(