i see nothing wrong with this. the dog gains drive, the squirrel dies quickly. that's about as cruel as feeding a pet snake a rodent.... o.0
i think you peta fucks should be the ones facing judgment and pit bulls; your ideology, methodology, and tactics are disgusting at best. want to see the worst of a human being? look at an animal's rights activist....
Personally, as somebody who owns 5 dogs, 5 snakes and a caiman(basically a south american alligator) I would have to disagree about the degree of cruelty. See, they make this stuff, its called dog food, its what you feed your dog, and I am pretty sure the dog in the vid did not eat or gain any nutritional value from the squirrel. Also, this dog was not being trained to do shit, I dont hunt with my dogs but I do know about dog training and I guarantee thats about the least efficient way to train a hunting dog. When I feed my snakes they are killing to EAT so therefore in my eyes it is completely different. I don't care about the squirrel dying, its the purpose behind the squirrels death which was nothing, there was no reason for that squirrel to die except for pure enjoyment ... When I feed my snakes or my caiman live food, I'm not gonna lie, its interesting but I do it because I have some picky eaters who dont like to eat pre-killed food, not for the "thrill" of it..