Lets Debate...How important in pitch dark in dark cycle?


Well-Known Member
So after reading around and such, some people say you can turn on or use a flashlight in dark cycle for short periods of time (under 2 minutes) without stressing your plants. And some say that any light, even a led light on a fan or slightest light on dark cycle can stress them.

I just had my first harvest and found a few seeds. My plants were all female without any signs of hermie until the last weeks of harvest i noticed some seeded pods. My setup has no light leak, but there were a few times I peeked in or check on them with a led type light on the dark cycle but never more than a minute or two.

Can nute lockout or PH fluctuation stress them into hermie also?

Reference threads:


Well-Known Member
little bits of lights cant really stress them to much, when weed is grow in nature it has a little light during the night, the moon, bad ph and nute lockout also can play into hermies as well .


Well-Known Member
from what I've read on here, green lights are ok to use, something about the plants not reacting to it the same as white light. but no no light whatsoever! even a flashlight on one plant could delay it by 2 weeks! for indoor growing. I don;t know why you'd think outside headlights, streetlights and the moon would play hell on them but go figure...hang a curtain or dark sheets to protect them from any light.


Well-Known Member
a flashlight shined on a plant CANNOT delay it for 2 weeks. thats bogus info man. dont post random things if ya dont know buddy. kinda confuses people.


Well-Known Member
that is an exact qoute from somewhere else on here, mine got delayed when a friend started taking flash piks in the dark to show his girl. This is why I stress NO LIGHT of any kind. better safe than sorry. I didn;'t mean to toss someone bad shit sorry... will be more careful about blindly posting from other readers opinions. but the less light the better m-m-mk?


Active Member
Im currently growing outdoors and I check on my plants 1 to 2 times a night (with a flash light) and that sure hasn't affected them at all they are doing quite well and growing everyday :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
a flashlight shined on a plant CANNOT delay it for 2 weeks. thats bogus info man. dont post random things if ya dont know buddy. kinda confuses people.
I feel ya on that. Im not an expert just looking for opinions and trying to figure out how mine went hermie.

Now i'm thinking they could have been feminized seeds. i hear that they are easily stressed into hermies.


Well-Known Member
I always wondered about the outdoor plants? if they are suppose to be in darkness what about the moon or city lights and stuff like that? they seem to take it in stride, but Mine in a dark room may be more sensitive to dark and light shifts, since I do control how much if any light they get. maybe they are 'spoiled' on darkness and any interruption disturbs them. Anyone have any more knowledge on this?


Well-Known Member
when a female is stressed she goes 'balls up' so to speak and tries to go male on you. it's in the glossary


Well-Known Member
An hermaphrodite, or hermie, is a plant of one sex that develops the sexual organs of the other sex


I always wondered about the outdoor plants? if they are suppose to be in darkness what about the moon or city lights and stuff like that? they seem to take it in stride, but Mine in a dark room may be more sensitive to dark and light shifts, since I do control how much if any light they get. maybe they are 'spoiled' on darkness and any interruption disturbs them. Anyone have any more knowledge on this?
im throwing the bulshit flag on this one.. how would a plant become more sensitive that its genetic heritage allows it to be? a plant would not go hermie due to moonlight so why would a plant go hermie due to a quick flash of light???? common people a flash light ???


Well-Known Member
if it were everyday then yes the flashlight could cause it to hermie or stunt in growth. but jsut a few times , no change in the plant that you could notice would take place.


Active Member
Kinda stupid question but im a newb so what can I say. Is there such thing as hermie seeds? Like growing a hermie from the start, if not then what conditions will turn a plan hermie? to much stress?