lets change the name of this site to lp want to be's


Well-Known Member
I know I am about to get a good back lash but this site does not seem to be about the Canadian patients any more how sad.


Well-Known Member
Here's a tissue...no need to get bent outta shape. Who gives a fuck where you're from...nobody is forcing you to be here. I'm not American but that doesn't bother me...I thought the common denominator was that we all like organic tomatoes? I guess I gotta go seek out a forum from my native land...too bad there isn't one. I don't care to be spoon fed...if you know how to read you have everything you need to know under one roof...what more do you want? FYI...nobody caters to Canadians...we were left behind long ago.


Well-Known Member
Here's a tissue...no need to get bent outta shape. Who gives a fuck where you're from...nobody is forcing you to be here. I'm not American but that doesn't bother me...I thought the common denominator was that we all like organic tomatoes? I guess I gotta go seek out a forum from my native land...too bad there isn't one. I don't care to be spoon fed...if you know how to read you have everything you need to know under one roof...what more do you want? FYI...nobody caters to Canadians...we have been left behind long ago.
Canadians have been left behind...?
That Mountie on Due South is a fucking genius!


Active Member
Great job people, you all make me proud to be a Canadian, feeling some serious support around here for the wannabe's, things are coming around!

People are starting to realize that Health Canada does not like marihuana or the people who do, and really deserves all of the blame for all the unjust crap.

When a more interesting conversation about marihuana comes along it will be at the top of the threads, things are working perfectly.

Ilovebush, do you always post pictures of your beaver?

And everybody please quit scaring the Americans away, they have an interesting, outsider, take on things. LOL.


Well-Known Member
I think spider9 may be voicing an opinion that quite a few of us may share...though due to being ganged up on not many will
just come out and say it....
didn't take the LP types very long to set their version of the record, straight.
Do you get the feeling we are not really welcome as "Canadian Patients" in the Canadian Patients forum....???


Active Member
Just don't remember reading any backlash from anybody who was feeling unwelcome or could not have the conversation of their choice.
I do remember people getting roasted for posting hate and bullshit though.
I also remember a clearing house for illegal clones, growers, weed, and a bunch of patients trying to score free meds.
Personally I think the conversations have become more varied, more intelligent, more legal, and more relevant to Canadian Patients.
From what I've seen, everybody gets to be on the top of the threads, none get ignored, and all our welcome.
Did black market people feel unwelcome when the threads were full of MMAR buying and selling?
Get over yourself, this is the purest kind of democracy, if you want to talk about a different aspect of Canadian Patients, no one is stopping you.
In fact, the caliber of the posters has also vastly improved. Canadian Patients are getting better information here than ever before.
You want to replace the existing conversation with what, this is the most pressing thing for Canadian Patients right now.
Got something more pressing to talk about, post it, and we will all vote with our posts. What should we talk about Dan, not talking about the MMPR?
Canadian Patients are clearly wanting to learn about the different aspects of the new MMPR at the moment, and interest will surely change over time.


Well-Known Member
Its unfortunate that the MMPR is dominating the talk here....
when we could be discussing plenty of other area's pertaining to the use of this herb as medicine....
without all the politics/bias toward who will be in control of the herb/money/rules etc......
ultimately for me personally.....I would rather the talk be dominated by the grass roots medicine and nutritional benifits that plants such as this provide...
Your are right no one is stopping us from discussing this either ,however when you mention all this black market stuff and buying and selling etc...its all in relation to the MMPR
matter of fact pretty much everything reverts back to the MMPR in some shape or form.....
There have been plenty of people feel un welcome too....don't kid yourself....
every time someone new comes in here and try's to speak up... in their own way ...about the injustice they are experiencing in relation to their meds being taken away or made out of reach...financially
they end up either apologizing about making a thread in the first place or telling someone to go F--- themselves in frustration
since some of the same people we would be led to believe are full of compassion and just want to supply us poor sick people with top quality meds.....Lofl
Wow what a friendly and informative forum,we have here.....(sarcasm in case you don't get it)


Well-Known Member
Start a new thread on a subject matter that you're interested in and lets see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly where it would go.....straight to the MMPR talk.....
Just Have a peruse of the topics on page one of this forum.....
Every one is about the MMPR oe MMAR except for the RSO for Cat Thread......
This is obviously not the place for Canadian Patients.....Like I have mentioned before Maybe the LP_ wanna be's could have their own sub forum....


Global Moderator
Staff member
I know exactly where it would go.....straight to the MMPR talk.....
Just Have a peruse of the topics on page one of this forum.....
Every one is about the MMPR oe MMAR except for the RSO for Cat Thread......
This is obviously not the place for Canadian Patients.....Like I have mentioned before Maybe the LP_ wanna be's could have their own sub forum....
Then make a thread with the requirement of posting to stay on track with what ever theme you choose.
It might just work. :wink: