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My cat spends 80% of his time upside down, hes such a funny cat, but a Total chiller.

My cat spends 80% of his time upside down, hes such a funny cat, but a Total chiller.

you my friend, you give pit and rottie owners a bad name, you are a dumbass..i bought 2 of my girls from makavelipits.com look them up email the owner and ask what the kurupt-shakira pups sold 4 i bought 1st pick and third, i paid 9100 for the blue girl and fawn girl, there out of the kurupt-shakira litter, im sure theres other pups for sale on the site youll see the prices, i aint got no reason 2 lie i can afford it!! you cant see anybody spending 15 stacks on 3 pups cuz your broke!! only a broke hater would speak on some shit they know nothing about, oyea and about the training my dogs are being trained by a police dog trainer i think he knows better than you when my dogs are ready 2 bite
you call me an internet tough guy when you are the one threatening me on a forum? gimme a break kid.. i never threatened you i was just real and called it how i saw it.. obviously nobody on here knows you so the only way we can paint a picture of you and your personality are the things you type, and by the way you talk about your dog ownership, you do not want it as a companion, but rather a trophy or a slave to do your bidding. if you cared about the dog you would take the time and effort to train it yourself or, at the very LEAST you would be the one in classes with the dog, and not just sending it away.wow another internet tuff guy, talk talk talk on the net, you got me all wrong!! if your man enough 2 call me a dumbass on the net call any man a dumbass 2 his face in the streets, in a store, anywhere in person, see what happens 2 you when you run your mouth in person, you never know our paths might cross call me a dumbass shit 4 brains chump 2 my face flojo
i bought 2 of my girls from makavelipits.com look them up email the owner and ask what the kurupt-shakira pups sold 4 i bought 1st pick and third, i paid 9100 for the blue girl and fawn girl, there out of the kurupt-shakira litter, im sure theres other pups for sale on the site youll see the prices, i aint got no reason 2 lie i can afford it!! you cant see anybody spending 15 stacks on 3 pups cuz your broke!! only a broke hater would speak on some shit they know nothing about, oyea and about the training my dogs are being trained by a police dog trainer i think he knows better than you when my dogs are ready 2 bite
Thanks to faggot for the -rep just for not having a pitbull. Fuck you. I put up a picture of my dog like the thread is for and I get a -rep because it isn't as tough as yours? fuck off you insecure fuck. Give me 2 seconds with your high priced pit bull and it would be spasming on the ground with a hole between its eyes and brains on the ground. How tough is it now? Your just an insecure faggot who thinks he is a tough guy because of his dog. Go fuck your mother then pull it out and have your father lick the nasty smelling cunt juice off of your cock while your sister gives him a rimjob. Again.
I have no problems with pitbulls at all. I love dogs more than people. It's the people who think that their dogs are so tough and mean. It's like, look how tough my dog is, so that makes me cool right? Training can create any dog into any type of behavior. Own a dog because you love them, not because you think people will love you for owning one.uh, didnt read whole thread but whoever has a problem with pits prolly doesnt know that they were breed for generations to be completely human non aggressive, and dog aggressive, ever wonder why handlers could stand in the pit and agg there dog on and even pull them apart and not get bit when they were extremely focused on killing somthing? i dont condone dog fighting but facts are facts. o and if you look up amounts of bites on people from dogs, i think youd find it surprising labs, chiahuas, and even golden retrivers bite there owners alot more then pits do. the news just likes putting "pit bull" in there story, its attention grabbing, just like anyother bullshit. dont be a follower, be a leader. dont repeat bullshit about our pits that youve heard from "someone". breed specific legislation is already banning pits from alot of places. its like dog racism, so fuck whoever doesnt like theses dogs, it just like people who tell people how bad weed is and how much of a gateway drug it is and all that bs, im pretty sure at least you people can understand that comparison.