Let me see your Natural Predators plz--here's mine

Tee Five

Active Member
Im Joni's lunch bag (as a joke of course).jpg

Isn't she beautiful. Its a Timberland Spider.

What you can't see (and believe me I tried as hard as I could to take a pic of it) is her giant and beautiful web.

It's the best sticky tape I've ever used--shes has killed about half a dozen insects (whether or not they were a threat to my garden is unknown---they are hard to identify after she had her way with them) <add Muhahahaha here>.

Anyways--I guess just wanted to show off her undeniable beauty to you.

I'd love to see your Natural Predators who are friends to your gardens as well--please post :)
OMG, don't take offense, if I saw that I would shit myself, spiders are the only thing I fear in life, that thing looks to big to use a shoe on 8|

Tee Five

Active Member
OMG, don't take offense, if I saw that I would shit myself, spiders are the only thing I fear in life, that thing looks to big to use a shoe on 8|

Well you know the old proverb: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But I don't offense...you don't like spiders---that's cool.


Well-Known Member
spiders are the only thing I fear in life
I thought I was the only one. Snakes are no problem. Used to catch rattlers by the river and bring them home and keep them. Thugs, cops, mother rapers, father stabbers, father rapers, no problem.

But fucking spiders, man. I look down and see a widow even close to being on me and I'll scream like a bitch every time. It's bad.
Spiders give me the heebie jeebies, but I find myself fascinated and compelled to get a closer look every time... Did she just appear in your garden, or did you re-home her there?

Tee Five

Active Member
Spiders give me the heebie jeebies, but I find myself fascinated and compelled to get a closer look every time... Did she just appear in your garden, or did you re-home her there?
At this time of year these spiders are very common in Ontario. She will only live for maybe a month or so from now. But to answer your question she had just found her way in...along with 2 males (much smaller with no "wow" factor).

The crazy thing is if you look closely at her web ....you see the words "Some Weed"

Maybe it will win a Blue Ribbon at the county fair.

(I kid...Im high)


Active Member
Here's a Banana Spider (doing whatever it is a banana spider does - thanks for getting that song stuck in my head bigmindhack):

View attachment 1198471

They make huge webs too - nothing like walking into one of their webs, if one were inclined to go into backwoods areas to look at plants or something, and feeling one crawling around trying to get off your head or back. =P


Well-Known Member
we have had an abundance of them this year. there are several in my garden. they like to spin their webs at face height across my pathways. i walked thru one the other night. freaked me the fuck out. :shock:

008 (41).jpg005 (47).jpg019.jpgView attachment 1198481

Tee Five

Active Member
we have had an abundance of them this year. there are several in my garden. they like to spin their webs at face height across my pathways. i walked thru one the other night. freaked me the fuck out. :shock:
Those are some beauties.

Is the red one(s) a velvet spider?

I know what you mean though---every time I go into my grow room--I tread carefully because I don't want break their webs (although they are out of the way--but they do relocate). It takes a lot of the spider's energy to remake a web.

But those pics are very cool.