Hi guys, I have some plants first year outdoor, and time is getting closer to harvest
However, since I´m begginer, I´m not very sure in some matters... Would you please help me to understand better?
1) friend of mine told me, that I may let flowers just in the ground and not to harvest them at all (if it´s not rainy - because of molds). He told me, that flowers will dry and then I can simple harvest them + he said, that if I let them dry like this, there will be far much higher THC level. I know, that without curing, they will taste probably harsh, however, if we won´t consider this, what do you think about that idea? (I personaly don´t like it much, because I think, CBDs or even THC may degradate by this treatment... right?)
2) my second question is about right timing of harvest (if you won´t like idea in previous point as me
I´ve read, that trichoms should be cloudy to amber and I should check them under the microscope. OK. But which part of plant should I check exactly? Leafs? Buds? Hairs? You see... hairs under the microscope don´t have any trichoms at all yet! They look like some kind of naked thread
And hair on flower, which didn´t get amber yet, have clear trichoms
3) I´ve pollinated some flowerings and figured out, that fertilized hairs get brown pretty quickly. Unfortunatelly, pollen probably gets to some other flowerings too (as I said, plants are outdoor
Now, because some hairs on plants are brown and some white, it´s very hard to know, when is the right time for harvest
Is there any other way (beside the hairs colour), how to figure out, if the time is right?
Thank you very much for your answers!

1) friend of mine told me, that I may let flowers just in the ground and not to harvest them at all (if it´s not rainy - because of molds). He told me, that flowers will dry and then I can simple harvest them + he said, that if I let them dry like this, there will be far much higher THC level. I know, that without curing, they will taste probably harsh, however, if we won´t consider this, what do you think about that idea? (I personaly don´t like it much, because I think, CBDs or even THC may degradate by this treatment... right?)
2) my second question is about right timing of harvest (if you won´t like idea in previous point as me

3) I´ve pollinated some flowerings and figured out, that fertilized hairs get brown pretty quickly. Unfortunatelly, pollen probably gets to some other flowerings too (as I said, plants are outdoor

Thank you very much for your answers!