Let him built the wall

Ok Fog, you haven't called somebody a pedophile for a second or two, jump chump jump
I'm not making it up.

You are an idiot who says idiotic things. It would be better for you if you were silent. But no, you must tell everybody how dumb you are.

I mean, really? Fully fund Trump's wall is a strategy to destroy him? LOL, that is a really dumb premise for a post. Even for you, it is shockingly stupid.

Do you need a reminder to breathe?
Well it's not "you guys" if you've been paying attention, this movement was swept the world. Many places are fcked,

Let's end Trump by fully funding his wall!!!!

Here’s the setup for the cartels now. Long tunnels. Crossing fees up now because of the extra trouble. Already miles of tunnels including Otay Mesa. A wall is perfect in some areas and useless in others. Did you know jaguars are back? Human stupidity and greed cleared them out the last century. They’re coming back and the wall will stop them. But not people. It just makes them up their game.
You come from Alaska, where they shoot wolves from helicopters and kill baby bears sleeping in dens.

If you purchase or consume meat/animal products, you are supporting this.

Democrats taking the open-immigration stance will lose them 2020 election. The only reason they have this position is because its the opposite of Trump. Even Obama/Hillary/Pelosi are on the record calling for strict immigration enforcement and not open borders.
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End Trump? You guys really don't see the big picture. I guess you do your best work on a pot board where you can call each other pedophiles and don't have to deal with reality.
I'm not making it up.

You are an idiot who says idiotic things. It would be better for you if you were silent. But no, you must tell everybody how dumb you are.

I mean, really? Fully fund Trump's wall is a strategy to destroy him? LOL, that is a really dumb premise for a post. Even for you, it is shockingly stupid.

Do you need a reminder to breathe?

Wow, well that was very convincing. An idiot who says idiotic things, Why not throw in a "You live in your mother's basement" and "you fuck kids" and some other classics?
End Trump? You guys really don't see the big picture. I guess you do your best work on a pot board where you can call each other pedophiles and don't have to deal with reality.
do tell

Remove all doubt about your lack of intelligence.

'splain better how fully funding Trump's wall would help Democrats.

aaaaoooogah. wwheeeee. Zippy the clown knows all and splains it to us!!!!!

You come from Alaska, where they shoot wolves from helicopters and kill baby bears sleeping in dens.

If you purchase or consume meat/animal products, you are supporting this.

Democrats taking the open-immigration stance will lose them 2020 election. The only reason they have this position is because its the opposite of Trump. Even Obama/Hillary are on the record calling for strict immigration enforcement and not open borders.
Trump fucks kids
do tell

Remove all doubt about your lack of intelligence.

'splain better how fully funding Trump's wall would help Democrats.

aaaaoooogah. wwheeeee. Zippy the clown knows all and splains it to us!!!!!


See first post and put on your thinking cap.

yet another false equivalence from RIU's resident right wing nut logical fallacy poop machine
He would need another dozen or so IQ points before he even started to suspect how dumb he is.

Logic is about as useful to these people as a salt lick is to slugs.
So skip the thread then. If you disagree with the premise that by letting them attempt to built a wall by stealing land from private land owners and wasting tax money on something that they are likely to fail miserably at and even if they succeeded in building it would do nothing to curtail the problem that's fine. You can always try to be an adult about it, but sadly no, you are too used to your internet persona, which is sad, because you're a fucking grown man.
So skip the thread then. If you disagree with the premise that by letting them attempt to built a wall by stealing land from private land owners and wasting tax money on something that they are likely to fail miserably at and even if they succeeded in building it would do nothing to curtail the problem that's fine. You can always try to be an adult about it, but sadly no, you are too used to your internet persona, which is sad, because you're a fucking grown man.
I actually agree, seems like Dem's are taking the knee-jerk reaction of just opposing something because Trump is supporting it. Pretty sure plenty of dems have called for a wall in the past.

Most working Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and/or homeless aren't so supporting of these illegal immigrants "rights" to become a US Citizen. Even among Hispanics. I think the mentality is, the rich 1% democrats who live in gated communities and gated mansions can virtue signal their support for poor and struggling immigrants to make themselves appear to look good.