lessons learned


Active Member
I read alot of these post and there are a few things I have learn that I would like to share with you new or old growers
1 ph. don't worry so much about it. if you get crazy trying to adjust it itwill be more trouble than you want. Example would be if you lower it to much than add up to get it back then it will become unstable as the plant removes dissolved minerals that are used to stabilize the ph
2. stay with what works. if you have been using a perticular item either nutes or soil or water and begin to have a problem then so
e recommends changing it don't. the problem lays somewhere else that is being overlooked. so write down the maybes and double check again. if its been working then you changed something. amount of nutes improper mix or something
3 tap water. most city water is just fine we don't néed go go crazy with ro water whenyou can just use tap or rain water( the best in my opion)
4. when I am germanating seeds as soon as I see the seedling getting ready to break the Surface of the cube I move it into its home. this allows the tap root. the anchor root witch to me is very important to do it job. by allowing the tap root to grow inplace I feel makes for a strnger plant and I seem to have less bent more straight and stronger plant( if you don't believe it fine but I recommend you try it at least once )
5. micro nutes. we know they are needed and we go to the hydro store and spend top dollar be acause we want the best. well you can buy cheaper and inky opionbetter nutes by going to a local pet store and buying two products One is called reef plus by seachem this product is used for reef aquariums to help corals grow and they are nothing more than a plant themselves. a small bottle is 7.99 and treats 2000 gallons yes 2000
theother is called microlift witch for 6.99 treats 500 gallons. both these items add all the great trace elements we are looking for and do not affect the ph of our water. they raise the calcium mg stom iodine pretty much everything we want and more.
6. don't be affraid to experiment to see what works best for you. there are rules and for every rule there is the exception and a rule for the exception. so take a little info from everyone and just try it. something that work for me might not work for
7. don't be affraid to fail sometimes plants just die. with us doing the best we can do to give a plant the best life we can for some reason they just die and has nothing to do with what you didnt didnt do. just start over and try again
these are a few things I have learned and wanted to share. take it with grain of salt I hope you are able to use just a little of my idea and are able to grow a huge happy plant


Active Member
almost forgot the most important is we are not jack and these are not magic beans. it takes time alot of time no matter how much we try to speed it up the plant has set life cycle in its genes and there is nothing you can do but give it time patients love and attention with these things you will be well rewarded


Well-Known Member
almost forgot the most important is we are not jack and these are not magic beans. it takes time alot of time no matter how much we try to speed it up the plant has set life cycle in its genes and there is nothing you can do but give it time patients love and attention with these things you will be well rewarded

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Whole thing, very nicely put together..Rep+


Active Member
what is your ph out of your tap. my local water company is just perfect at 7 it never changes and as long as I don't go nuts I have not had any problems with my grows unless I was trying something to improve my plants so again it is my error that screwed things up. my biggest error was I knocked an air line off my dwc and didnt realize it for 3 days untill the plant was half dead, she is making a good come back small budd but starting to pick up new leaf growth and some nice bud coming in


Active Member
man i was looking at this again a realized i needed to heed my own advice.....man i am so stubburn i dont even listen to myself
hi im new here but have something to share im new at the whole growing thing but i have to say there are a lot of opinions on alot of different things, no offense really but it seems like there are alot of people that are truly against mg soil and nuits and i get that that theres an art but it can be done my plants where around three weeks old and looking at them and by the way 5 out of 6 are autos they look just as good if not better and heathier than darn near all of the photos that i have rendered they look really heathy and the stink is amazing. i have been reading almost 20 hours a day on the web about every ones advice and experiense for meer weeks is all and i know that every one that does different things are truly creating a better crop for the most part but there are alot of people that cant afford or in my case simply cant come around those products with out an expensive shipping bill and all im trying to do is to let it be known that it can be done and maybe help some one that is just starting like me and might have to start with whats lying around. at about the thired week i did the unheard of i topped two autos and pinched one also the non auto got toped as well i dont know what it was its like when your a kid and your parent says dont do it and you do but so far i got to say that i am pretty sure i have seen an incress in stem and leav strength and dont forget im new at this and from what ive read this will decrease yield and basicly &#@$ up your plant but had to try it they where all three weeks at least like i said and reading on the seeds tells me that when i did this they should have been around a week maybe two from flower and they all have pre flower on them this is not to tell any one to do as i do but im trying it and cant waite to let every one know what happens as far as im concerned the effect is per strain and plant and will effect it in different ways but all im hoping for is to try some thing that is considered tybo and see what happens but maybe just maybe it can work will see ill try to keep every one posted and maybe when i find my camera i can send pics take care toke good drew