Lessons learned after a HUGE break


Well-Known Member
^ I got to the part where you were googling marijuana triggered schizophrenia and cracked up laughing man lol


BTW, wrote that whole message after smoking 1/5th of the joint from last night.. Did wonders to get rid of my burn-out. Am eating Rice Krispies now and listening to Audioslave, feelsgoodman.jpeg


Really? If you researched it you'd see there's a six percent chance it can trigger it, but okay. Have you ever seen BBC Horizon's 'The Evil Weed'? It's actually based on science. How do you have 2K posts and not know this?


And I never googled marijuana causing schitzophrenia, I googled how to come down when too stoned. Learn to read before speaking lol


Active Member
i wasnt gonna read the whole thing but i did, some funny shit in there but that girl man, that shit irratated me too i was like yes! when you said you blocked her lol fucking squares...


Well-Known Member
BTW, wrote that whole message after smoking 1/5th of the joint from last night.. Did wonders to get rid of my burn-out. Am eating Rice Krispies now and listening to Audioslave, feelsgoodman.jpeg
Dude! That's quite the rambo ramble! Very interesting. :_) My take away from this story is don't stop. We need to be used to this drug.

My story is that I just needed a Dr. this time for renewal. Other Dr. disappeared. He is a straight up medical Dr. that probably got shook off by the DEA. IAC, this next gal is an MD but also a PhD psychologist. (damn) Let's call her Holistically Insensitive. IAC, she claimed I could cure my surgery induced nausea with mumbo jumbo, but, she was more or less lost in my medical history terminology. She said, "Oh you are a real patient." And she came up with the usual, brilliant medical conclusion. "Well, you lived, that's something, right?" I've gotten used to that one. :)

She got around to suggesting I take breaks. It must be part of the push back. My first Dr. said that too. I just scoffed and held my peace. Having been under too much raw chemotherapy in my life, at least I know that tolerance is a benefit that allow more dose of the good stuff. The goofiness is a side effects of not enough saturation. I am completely saturated and stay that way. I won't go back to see Holistic Pushy.


Thanks for your responses, guys. Yeah, my attitude about giving up it has really changed, and I'm a strong believer in being a regular smoker from here-on-out. Getting my first shipment since renewal tomorrow, so I'm very excited to bring my tolerance back and start enjoying that groove I mentioned. If there's one thing I was a noob about it was the tolerance, I totally disregarded it and ignored its power.

Good luck in your battle, Doer! It's weird me posting about my bipolar and you about your cancer and us both reaping endless rewards from the same plant, huh? I just found out an old friend from college who I stopped talking to on bad terms lost his fight with cancer and so I'm especially sensitive to people with it now.

Thanks again for the response and making it through my diatribe


Well-Known Member
^ I got to the part where you were googling marijuana triggered schizophrenia and cracked up laughing man lol
It can trigger it in people that are already predisposed to have it...

It wont CAUSE schizophrenia, but it can bring it out in people that are susceptible.


Yeah, pretty laughable that a so-called elder would laugh off such a notion. I've always found it very important to educate yourself as much as possible with any substance you use back from my raver days. I think I was totally justified with my mental health issues, the ones I'm literally using cannabis for, in thinking I did something bad to my brain.

Also to the point about the girl, I found it ridiculous that she compared drunk men to stoned men. Ugh.


Well-Known Member
Really? If you researched it you'd see there's a six percent chance it can trigger it, but okay. Have you ever seen BBC Horizon's 'The Evil Weed'? It's actually based on science. How do you have 2K posts and not know this?
I do know this... No need for that PM man... Nothing personal man.. lol

I was laughing my head off at the fact that you nailed a whole joint and started almost tripping, then went running to your computer trying to find out if your going schitz. Flying high as a kite :bigjoint:

I have experienced temporary states of schitzophrenia and psychosis from some drugs... Marijuana is a weak psychedelic you were propably hardly seeing stuff. Paranoid of losing your mind :D You can get much higher than that man you haven`t even left base camp yet :dunce:

Btw, I don`t think I would watch BBC Horizon`s "The Evil Weed". I admire schitzophrenia. They see things we cant understand, they are natural shamans :D


Sorry man, took it the wrong way. I apologize for cyber-attacking you but I was defensive, especially after dealing with the beast from the dating site. I am trying to share my experiences so maybe someone can take from it, someone in the same situation as me, ya know? And yeah, schizophrenia is a different beast altogether from bipolar, and interesting in it's own way. While I have amazing sensitivity and grey-area observation, they seem to have a perspective some of us could never get to.

The Evil Weed isn't so much about schizophrenia, it just deals with the main myths, that it causes it being one, about pot and then follows through on scientific experiments to prove it right or wrong. The only conclusion it makes at the end is that you just miss out on life when you smoke every day, let life pass you by. It's more progressive than anything else, worth a viewing for sure.


Well-Known Member
It can trigger it in people that are already predisposed to have it...

It wont CAUSE schizophrenia, but it can bring it out in people that are susceptible.
yeah i read that before it runs in my family but im luccky i dont have that watching my brother go thur that was enough


Well-Known Member
I got too high the first time I smoked BHO, and I smoke high quality pot every day. I imagine I would have had a similar experience had I not smoked in 19 days.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, took it the wrong way. I apologize for cyber-attacking you but I was defensive, especially after dealing with the beast from the dating site. I am trying to share my experiences so maybe someone can take from it, someone in the same situation as me, ya know? And yeah, schizophrenia is a different beast altogether from bipolar, and interesting in it's own way. While I have amazing sensitivity and grey-area observation, they seem to have a perspective some of us could never get to.

The Evil Weed isn't so much about schizophrenia, it just deals with the main myths, that it causes it being one, about pot and then follows through on scientific experiments to prove it right or wrong. The only conclusion it makes at the end is that you just miss out on life when you smoke every day, let life pass you by. It's more progressive than anything else, worth a viewing for sure.
No need to man I knew you were a sound guy from the way you were speaking, in the PM you used no real insults or anything like that and you just wanted to help people with the post :)

What happened to you has happened to a lot of people on this forum in different ways, stoners just find the whole thing funny after a while. We all know it can`t kill you or do something really bad and whenever people think they are dying or losing their mind its instantenous humour for me (Unless I should be calming them). Its funny because I know whats happening, because there was a time it happened to me too :D I`ve found that it takes loads more tham pot to lose your mind though :dunce:

What about this fellow:




That call is hilarious, I remember when it came out but didn't listen to it. I also found a thread last night on another board of 'Signs You're Too Stoned' which helped me laugh and not take it so seriously. Thanks again for explaining yourself, I hate starting on a new message board and feeling like I have to prove myself to the elders as someone with substance.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The schizophrenia claim is the latest and most successful propaganda campaign yet. The War on Drugs may not be doing so well but the Propaganda War on Drugs is doing just fine. The fact that people are even debating this goes to show JUST how well it's working. First of all, there is absolutely no proof, NONE, that schizophrenia can be brought on or influenced by Cannabis usage. What the researchers did find out is that people with the early signs of the onset of schizophrenia are prone to self-medicate before diagnosis. Just like Alcoholics are self-medicating, prescription drugs abusers are self-medicating, over-eaters are self-medicating, so on and so forth ad infinitum. My point is, the abusers use self-medication to deal with the actual problem. Most of the time it exacerbates the problem but it isn't the main issue. The problem with this research is that it has been used for political rather than beneficial purposes. It was used purely as a political ploy to drive a wedge between the general populace and Cannabis advocates. And it's working.

Anyone can take statistics from a study and manipulate to fit any agenda. It's a common practice and it's usually politically motivated.


Misguided Angel
The schizophrenia claim is the latest and most successful propaganda campaign yet. The War on Drugs may not be doing so well but the Propaganda War on Drugs is doing just fine. The fact that people are even debating this goes to show JUST how well it's working. First of all, there is absolutely no proof, NONE, that schizophrenia can be brought on or influenced by Cannabis usage. What the researchers did find out is that people with the early signs of the onset of schizophrenia are prone to self-medicate before diagnosis. Just like Alcoholics are self-medicating, prescription drugs abusers are self-medicating, over-eaters are self-medicating, so on and so forth ad infinitum. My point is, the abusers use self-medication to deal with the actual problem. Most of the time it exacerbates the problem but it isn't the main issue. The problem with this research is that it has been used for political rather than beneficial purposes. It was used purely as a political ploy to drive a wedge between the general populace and Cannabis advocates. And it's working.

Anyone can take statistics from a study and manipulate to fit any agenda. It's a common practice and it's usually politically motivated.
Well said! When they use words like COULD or MIGHT it usually means there is no evidence lol


This is what I was going of, I'd much rather trust science that some pro-cannabis users who politicize it any day, but that's just me. I think it's horribly irresponsible to not at least be aware of science that goes on, whether or not it be written in stone or inconclusive. Do you really think, for example, people who smoke too early on have no risk of any mental illness whatsoever even though science rebukes that theory? They mention it's the chicken and the egg scenario, sure, but it still is a valid argument and unless you work on science and not for some back-room grow op, I don't see how you could make such hardcore conclusions yourself. I personally was lucky in that I didn't start smoking until 20, so my risk level is that of a regular smoker. But I don't deny the science that has been done and always take what pro-cannabis people say with a grain of salt because you can't argue with facts. Could or might may be buzz-words of fear, but to pretend the risks don't exist is a terrible thing. I hope you don't educate people about this on a regular basis, I'd hate to rely on you for facts.

We all know that the research for cannabis is still in it's very young stages, and there's a lot to learn still.. Just because something is technically ruled as 'inconclusive' doesn't mean it should be ignored.