Lesson Learned. rofl.

f u z z

Well-Known Member
Never let your hampster help you germinate seeeds.

So i just finished smoking a joint, and my girlfriend asked me if i would germinate some bag seeds for her to grow. So of course me bieng a good boyfreind i took the 6 seeds she gave me and proceeded to the paper towel method. Well My hampster was already out in her hampster ball and it was time to put her up (becuase losing a hampster when you're high sucks!)

Well i put "Jigga", my hampster, on the counter, and as i was turning on the water, i guess she had the munchies like me and stole three of the seeds. It's just bag seed, but i busted out laughing when i realized where they went. So i thought i would share.

6 seeds were supposed to be there, not three.

hi, im fuzz, and cfl closet growing is cool.

f u z z

Well-Known Member
are you going to grow the hamster in soil or hydro

I will be growing the hampster in soil.
And as for light i will be using a small universe i discovered on new years under a tree stump. It should be in my pocket still, but the acid has worn off, so it's a 50/50.