Lesser Known Guitar Gods

Am I pushing the "lesser known" qualifier? Johnny Winter? Certainly not known like Page, Clapton, Hendrix etc. but my all time favorite guitarist. I liked him when I was a kid and still do. My friends didn't enjoy Johnny. I mostly listened to him alone.

I saw The Edgar Winter Group with Rick Derringer open for the Allman Brothers in 78-79. They put on a hell of a show. Much better than the Brothers {it was the Cher years} Rick was a real showman with his guitar.

Robert Fripp
i dont understand how king crimson doesnt get more recognition,my god theyve influenced whole genres imo.i recently found them myself(just heard indiscipline over the past winter,my first by them,so great)i cheated and picked up a greatest hits(only one i could find on itunes) and i can honestly say,after years of working in the trades listening to fm radio,ive never heard them.so cool how their music style evolved with time.think its safe to say a lot of bands were influenced by them.
Am I pushing the "lesser known" qualifier? Johnny Winter? Certainly not known like Page, Clapton, Hendrix etc. but my all time favorite guitarist. I liked him when I was a kid and still do. My friends didn't enjoy Johnny. I mostly listened to him alone.

Wow, I forgot to mention Johnny Winter.
I used to listen to this over and over and over again back in '72, '73.

"People keep asking me, where's your brother?"


I saw The Edgar Winter Group with Rick Derringer open for the Allman Brothers in 78-79. They put on a hell of a show. Much better than the Brothers {it was the Cher years} Rick was a real showman with his guitar.

Derringer is a born again christian and Edgar is a Scientologist now. Weird world.
Derringer is a born again christian and Edgar is a Scientologist now. Weird world.
It's weird seeing any of the old rockers these days. In your mind's eye they are still in their 20's and 30's. I'm a big Deadhead, and watch lots of Dead & Co shows on You Tube. It always shocks me how old Bobbie is.
Of course jimmy but what about Frampton , Stevie Ray Vaughn, or harrison

I love the SRV stuff and I very recently developed a greater appreciation for Harrison's guitar playing after catching the HBO documentary. The solo in Something is eargasm material and his slide playing was so beautiful. No arguments with you on Frampton either.
Now that is worthy of the thread. I vaguely recall his name, but have never heard him. I find it hard to believe that was a standard Fender trem, though.

Yea. The only reason he wasn't a well known name is that he was mainly a session guitarist
and also did instructional guitar videos.
This one cracks me up. This is the type of stuff Spinal Tap so lovingly parodied. Todd Rundgren? Who knew? On skills alone, no guitar god, but throw in the climbing up the pyramid thingy and then "falling" off -- def GUITAR GOD! (Not shown but part of this stage show from the 70's? A giant fire breathing dragon and a glass guitar that gets shattered into a pile of shards.)
