Lemons indoors and cherry trouble


New Member
I like in south ontario, and do you think it's possible if I can grow a lemon tree and cut it good enough that I can keep it small?? I'm just curious and in also really new to any gardening stuff. I am trying to germinate cherry seeds and majority of the little white root came out on the paper towel... what will happen? (I'm new to this site so if this not the right place please politely direct me to the proper place.)
I've been wanting to grow cherries as well, but when I read up on it they say it's not easy, probably just trying keep people from making their own taking $ from corporate business. I hope you succeed. Best of luck
@owemart - There are dwarf citrus trees available that might make for a better houseplant in your case. Best of luck if you try the standard lemon seeds. I saw one on Reddit that someone claimed to have saved from a kindergarten school project, that was 8 feet tall in their home, taking up a full window.
If you want an established plant, you can pick up a Meyer lemon tree. I got one for my dad years ago at Home Depot. It stays short, produces lemons and is easy to grow.