Lemon Hoko - Blueberry BX3

sweet smell and taste, it tastes like sweet syrup, I will wait for my friends' opinions:) the next one is this 60 day
It took a lot of work to get them through vegetation, the seeds were already older.
unique plants
To everyone who doesn't know LemonHoko has a discord server where every Sunday at 2pm PST he does a breedercast where he interviews a different breeder. Normally new up and coming breeders. Its a really great show and if anyone is interested in a link to see it this sunday feel free to send me a dm on here and i'll get you sorted. Lemonhoko is a really good guy and easy to talk to and if anyone here is a breeder interested in getting a little more known also hit me up. I'm a mod there.
Can you dm me a link? Been searching for some good blueberry since I started 5 or 6 years ago. Ironically the only decent one I’ve had was white label seedsman blueberry
Wish I'd seen this thread years ago..

I fell in love with Blueberry so long ago and have been hunting the real blueberry like the clone I had around 2002-2006, for what seems like eternity. I eventually stopped searching after having the same outcome as most people on the hunt for that old school BB. I never did find anything close to the real deal. I'm very intrigued by Lemons BB bx* after reading on different platforms about his work. Any chance I can get in on this, maybe a discord invite?