Lemme know if she's on track!!!


Well-Known Member
RIU I took this clone I think around 5/25/13 or a lil after and I'm just wondering if she's on track I'm posting a before and after mind you she just a lil over a month old. I'm using ffof still light on the nutes and I'm running a 400w hps about 7" away



Active Member
it looks fine. Small, but fine. In fact i think thats the smallest flowering plant i've seen. No veg time?
hope you're not putting too much electricity into it, power bill will be more than what you could just go out on the corner and buy the stuff for minus the time you spend =\ she's too small


Well-Known Member
hope you're not putting too much electricity into it, power bill will be more than what you could just go out on the corner and buy the stuff for minus the time you spend =\ she's too small
What is a flowering clone suppose to look like? I have 2 other plants in my flowering room along with the clone trust me I ain't using a 400w on just a clone lol