legalizing proposition for obama


Active Member
if you call 973-409-3274 you can vote for a bill to be presented to president obama. if you call it it will tell you more about the bill and about how if the US taxed marijuana and made it legal they would make a 15 billion profit each year and would bring the economy up a lot so give it a try!


sounds cool enough but how do our votes help it? don't the senate and other gov't officials have to do that stuff?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea thats tru he can propose the bill to congress and they have to pass it through the supreme court. but the presidents voice on it will help.especially a million voices from the people i mean this is a democracy rite wat the people say goes?


Well-Known Member
sounds cool enough but how do our votes help it? don't the senate and other gov't officials have to do that stuff?
I don't think it sounds cool at all. Anything that puts more money into the government's pocket is a bad idea, and that includes pot taxes.

Decriminalization is the way to go, NOT legalize and tax.

The folks pushing for legalize and tax are being very shortsighted.


Active Member
Decriminalization is is worst than prohibition! You're still buying drugs from/supporting cartels, gangs, and terrorist organisations. Thier is still a risk of drugs being adulterated/poisoned. Legalizing something doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be taxed. However that would never happen because once legalized, drugs would be regulated ie tested for purity/potency by the government. That isn't free. Lastly, once legalized, all drugs including MJ, heroin, cocaine you cost pennies on the dollars of what you pay now. Joints would be sold in packs similar to cigarettes for around the same price- $10 including tax. 20 2.5gram joints for about $2 each isn't bad at all.


Decriminalization is is worst than prohibition! You're still buying drugs from/supporting cartels, gangs, and terrorist organisations. Thier is still a risk of drugs being adulterated/poisoned. Legalizing something doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be taxed. However that would never happen because once legalized, drugs would be regulated ie tested for purity/potency by the government. That isn't free. Lastly, once legalized, all drugs including MJ, heroin, cocaine you cost pennies on the dollars of what you pay now. Joints would be sold in packs similar to cigarettes for around the same price- $10 including tax. 20 2.5gram joints for about $2 each isn't bad at all.
You never know how exactly the government will sell marijuana.


Global Moderator
Staff member
if you call 973-409-3274 you can vote for a bill to be presented to president obama. if you call it it will tell you more about the bill and about how if the US taxed marijuana and made it legal they would make a 15 billion profit each year and would bring the economy up a lot so give it a try!
"What this number is:

  • This number is one of many numbers created by the novelty-number company Humor Hotlines.
  • Unlike other numbers from HH, Goldblatt claims this is a legitimate poll being conducted which he plans to compile and give to various contacts within the government in hopes that it will be presented to Congress and President Barack Obama.
  • This number is completely free and has apparently no known risks/fees associated with it outside of normal cell phone charges/minutes used/etc.
  • If the number reaches a certain amount of votes (1,000,000), HH has every intention to follow through and send the compiled petition to the government.
What this number is NOT:

  • A scam.
  • This number has no relation with any political group or marijuana advocacy group.
  • Endorsed by any politician, political group, advocacy group, or any person/group in a position of political authority.
  • This number has no deadline.
  • The number has no more power/authority to legalize marijuana than any other petition created by people online (however, every bit helps).
  • Though some have claimed to have received charges after calling this number, it must have been coincidence or confusion because the number does not appear to create any charges (though if you can prove to me it does, feel free to contact me).
So… should you call it? If you want to, yes… there doesn’t appear to be any harm in it and it actually may end up being a good petition. But please do not think that you are directly helping to “legalize marijuana”, and definitely do not tell others it is backed by groups which have no idea what it is.
Honesty is crucial and when people lie to get others to do something–even if they think it is right–things like this happen."


Well-Known Member
Decriminalization is is worst than prohibition! You're still buying drugs from/supporting cartels, gangs, and terrorist organisations. Thier is still a risk of drugs being adulterated/poisoned.
This IS a forum for growing cannabis , can't you learn to grow your own??:roll: