Legalizing ALL Drugs

I don't see how any drugs, no matter how harmful, can be illegal. The only people they harm are the people who choose to use it on themselves. If the more harmful drugs like crack were legal, people could be properly warned of the actual side effects and be offered rehab without the user being scared of admitting they are doing something illegal.

The only point against this view I could think of is that some drugs could make you do something harmful to other people, but there is plenty of alcohol induced violence and it is still legal.

I did a search and found some articles that pretty much sum up my viewpoint on the subject:

I wanted to know what your thoughts on this are, either for or against it.


Active Member
It's an interesting argument, and both sides have reasonable arguments.

For legalization:

I believe that the government should never try to protect people from themselves. If someone wants to kill themselves with heroine, PCP, meth, etc, then they can go ahead and do that for all I care. I'm a super libertarian though, and believe that people should be responsible for themselves rather than living in a nanny state as we do now. And as we creep deeper into socialized medicine (which we've had for some time now), they'll only use that as further argument that we have to stop the drugs because of the burden that junkies in need of treatment put on the taxpayer.

For prohibition:

The reason they would want to try to stop those hardcore drugs is because they usually lead to crime. Pot, to me, isn't hardcore. For instance, if a stoner runs out of pot, they usually pick up an extra shift at work, save up their money and buy some more. The only withdrawal symptom from pot I've ever witnessed is general crankiness. If a fiending crackhead runs out of money, they're more likely to hold up a liquor store or mug someone due to the extremely addictive nature of the drug. The argument here is that if someone gets murdered by someone freaking out on PCP, you can't really take that back. Also, pot has no link to violence in any study, or in just about everyone's personal experiences.

Either way, it's not an easy decision for anyone to make. Do we legalize drugs that can put people into a dangerous state of psychosis, or do we simply accept that people will do these drugs anyway and try to minimize the impact of their misuse?

On responsible drug use:

The argument for legalization is usually made by those who RESPONSIBLY use drugs. If two responsible users have kids, one parent should remain reasonably sober in case of emergency or they hire a babysitter. A responsible user doesn't drive under the influence. There are always people who use drugs irresponsibly though, and they're the ones that make the news and give all drugs a bad name. I've heard way too many idiots talk about smoking pot and getting behind the wheel of a car, like it's somehow better than being drunk. I've known the same idiots to crash their cars while high, but avoid a DUI because it wasn't picked up on a breathalizer. The reason you don't see any statistics on crashes caused by people being high are because:

1. Pot smoking is much less common than drinking.
2. Blood tests aren't standard, however breathalizers are.

You shouldn't operate cars or machinery if you're too tired, let alone high, drunk or hopped up on speed. The fact that someone would be so selfish as to put others at risk because they couldn't wait to get home to get high/drunk really pissed me off, and if you are going to do it, make sure you'd be comfortable with killing someone for such a trivial reason.
I think legalizing the drugs would reduce the crime (not including possession). Gangs wouldn't be fighting over territory anymore because their customers could get the drugs for a lower price from reliable stores.

A dangerous drug being illegal could even be a reason for someone to start doing it in the first place. Once people start learning that pot isn't the horrible thing they were told, they might stop trusting everything they've been told about drugs, fact and fiction, and want to experiment for themselves.

This is reminding me of something I read on Wikipedia, its not the exact same principle, but I think its still interesting:

The Streisand effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to censor or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of causing the information to be publicized widely and to a greater extent than would have occurred if no censorship had been attempted.

Even if legalization doesn't lead to decreased use, it would still stop the gang violence, which has been far more harmful than the drugs/users have been.


Well-Known Member
any thing i do i do better high and that includes heavy equipment and climbin like a monkey up THERE (look up)
Im for legalizing all the drugs. I think that that could be great for the Economy. I think it should be personal choice, If you want to kill yourself with tobacco, alcohol, heroin, meth, etc... then you go right ahead, I dont care. There is no way for the government to stop us from getting those drugs anyway. There will be a reduce in crime because it will be easy to get these drugs if you are addicted then you need not commit crimes to get them. SO much money would be saved because we wont be spending it on this failed "drug war". so all in all i think its a great idea


Well-Known Member
Well its getting tiring to recite the same points over and over, I kind of feel like I need to pull a rabbit out of my hat.

Its known heroin is so benign that you can use it to the day you die, living a long a full life, and only suffer malady from withdraw, which is less harmful than most prescription drugs, and malnutrition which has alot to do with being in a capital economy.

Its a laborious job to keep sanity in an insane world.

To reduce crime, you give everyone everything and abolish monetarism. Its not a pipe dream, its all in front of us.
