Legalize it, It will some day save our very way of life.

Should we legalize it?

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Ladies and gentlemen our economy is failing soon the adds you see on television to help a starving child will ask money for american's. Every day people die because they did not have enough to eat and no I'm not talking about those poor starving children in Africa I'm referring to the old vietnam vet who sleeps by my trash or the millions in the country who cannot feed their loved ones I'm talking about the 99%.

Our country's natural resources are being diminished every second of every day.And yet we continue to ignore a very valuable resource, Cannabis and its by products. Did you know that the average american uses 749 pounds of paper each year, that comes to about 187 billion pounds for the entire population. So lets do some math. Many trees does it take to make One ton of paper 2000 pounds? It takes roughly 24 trees at 40 feet in length and 6 to eight inches in diameter. So in America alone we use 93,500,000 tons of paper that's an amazing 3,895,833.3 trees a year, that's alot of trees. A single tree that is fully mature can absorb carbon dioxide at 48 pounds per year and can release enough oxygen to support two people for a year, so we basically kill 7,791,666 people a year because we had to write on their air supply. Trust me this is not a save the trees campaign but you can't ignore those numbers. You can only plant 20 trees in an acre so that they will produce the best they can. Now on to Cannabis First I will talk about hemp. In that same acre of land you can plant 20,000 plants at about 2 pounds a plant thats 40,000 pounds or 20 tons that doesn't take years to regrow and can be harvested quickly and easily. Hmmmm why do we continue to hurt ourselves? wait it gets better now on to Cannabis Sativa or Marijuana, Last year America Spent 42 billion dollars last year on the "War on Pot" Which we could have saved and spent on better things such as roads or schools the list is endless. so back to our single acre of land we plant 20,000 Marijuana Plants lets say each plant yields 4 oz of flower that's 5000 pounds of plant. So there is 448 grams in a pound if we sell it at 5 dollars a gram that's $2240 dollars a pound that's $11,200,000 so say it takes $200,000 to produce that ( It doesn't) we still clear $11,000,000 a acre so if we plant say 1000 acres we just made $11,000,000,000 if we plant just 1000 acres in all 50 states we can make $55,000,000,000 every 6 to eight months. WHY IN THE FUCK ARE WE NOT DOING THIS AMERICA!!!!!!! all of that money for a tiny green plant that is safer than than all the beer and liquor consumed in this country. Think about it.

Thank you all for reading my fix for this dying economy. If anyone wants to help me push this fight e-mail me at [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Legalization would drive the cost down significantly...probably to a point of $1/gram or even less... ;)


Active Member
Wow, written like a cat on an acid trip. Where's the coralation between starving people and trees, paper, or hemp. Trees cut down just to make paper? I used to live in a paper mill town. I can't say for all paper mills but my local one would use by products ffor lumber mills to produce its products. You acre of land with trees will. Of deplete the soil nearly as fast as hemp either (look up the dust bowl as to why soil depletion is bad).
Lets not forget that hemp, isnt what you (the op) think it is. It has little to no medicinal value. Hemp will grow faster than a tree sure, but won't make it through a winter season like a tree. Evergreens produce oxygen year round. So if we plant hemp instead of trees, are we supposed to hold our breath while waiting for spring?
There are many reasons MJ should be made legal, government spending to fight it being the forerunner. Just that one elimination would open so many doors as to better research on the MJ plant for medical research, among other uses.
Maybe if I do a morning medicate it will make more sense.
Marijuana had little to do with my statements and yes its a little bit out there and im not attacking trees and lumber mills I just used that because it seemed easiest. I know Very well the difference between Hemp and Cannabis sativa they are the same but hemp has little to no thc. but thank you for reading and commenting and I hope to hear more.

Wow, written like a cat on an acid trip. Where's the coralation between starving people and trees, paper, or hemp. Trees cut down just to make paper? I used to live in a paper mill town. I can't say for all paper mills but my local one would use by products ffor lumber mills to produce its products. You acre of land with trees will. Of deplete the soil nearly as fast as hemp either (look up the dust bowl as to why soil depletion is bad).
Lets not forget that hemp, isnt what you (the op) think it is. It has little to no medicinal value. Hemp will grow faster than a tree sure, but won't make it through a winter season like a tree. Evergreens produce oxygen year round. So if we plant hemp instead of trees, are we supposed to hold our breath while waiting for spring?
There are many reasons MJ should be made legal, government spending to fight it being the forerunner. Just that one elimination would open so many doors as to better research on the MJ plant for medical research, among other uses.
Not really that's just what most people and most of them being dealers want us to think when really if it is government regulated from only one grow source we could drive up the price and deal with other countries who have legalized it and increase our economy in a matter of months and dig ourselves out of this hole we find our selves in thank for reading and your comments.


Active Member
Sorry, it was the "cannabis sativa or marijuana" part that threw me cause you went into harvesting flower (bud), with yield and estimated values here's a quick read...

Im all for legalization and will usually just read threads about it and not respond, but yours intrigued me for some reason. Probably due to paper mills being around me for so long. There are so many reasons it should be legalized, paper though being the furthest. Lol.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Ladies and gentlemen our economy is failing soon the adds you see on television to help a starving child will ask money for american's. Every day people die because they did not have enough to eat and no I'm not talking about those poor starving children in Africa I'm referring to the old vietnam vet who sleeps by my trash or the millions in the country who cannot feed their loved ones I'm talking about the 99%.

Our country's natural resources are being diminished every second of every day.And yet we continue to ignore a very valuable resource, Cannabis and its by products. Did you know that the average american uses 749 pounds of paper each year, that comes to about 187 billion pounds for the entire population. So lets do some math. Many trees does it take to make One ton of paper 2000 pounds? It takes roughly 24 trees at 40 feet in length and 6 to eight inches in diameter. So in America alone we use 93,500,000 tons of paper that's an amazing 3,895,833.3 trees a year, that's alot of trees. A single tree that is fully mature can absorb carbon dioxide at 48 pounds per year and can release enough oxygen to support two people for a year, so we basically kill 7,791,666 people a year because we had to write on their air supply. Trust me this is not a save the trees campaign but you can't ignore those numbers. You can only plant 20 trees in an acre so that they will produce the best they can. Now on to Cannabis First I will talk about hemp. In that same acre of land you can plant 20,000 plants at about 2 pounds a plant thats 40,000 pounds or 20 tons that doesn't take years to regrow and can be harvested quickly and easily. Hmmmm why do we continue to hurt ourselves? wait it gets better now on to Cannabis Sativa or Marijuana, Last year America Spent 42 billion dollars last year on the "War on Pot" Which we could have saved and spent on better things such as roads or schools the list is endless. so back to our single acre of land we plant 20,000 Marijuana Plants lets say each plant yields 4 oz of flower that's 5000 pounds of plant. So there is 448 grams in a pound if we sell it at 5 dollars a gram that's $2240 dollars a pound that's $11,200,000 so say it takes $200,000 to produce that ( It doesn't) we still clear $11,000,000 a acre so if we plant say 1000 acres we just made $11,000,000,000 if we plant just 1000 acres in all 50 states we can make $55,000,000,000 every 6 to eight months. WHY IN THE FUCK ARE WE NOT DOING THIS AMERICA!!!!!!! all of that money for a tiny green plant that is safer than than all the beer and liquor consumed in this country. Think about it.

Thank you all for reading my fix for this dying economy. If anyone wants to help me push this fight e-mail me at [email protected]
I am all for legalization. Cannabis would be dirt cheap if legalization happens, though, probably comparable to Tobacco. That is why so many here oppose legalization.