LEGALIZE Blazed and thought this was brilliant :ANY IDEAS: ??


Well-Known Member
So i was smoking out in the woods with the usual: eye drops, mini axe aerosol, hand sanitizer, and listerine drops, and i got to thinking y i had to go through all this just to do something harmless and enjoyable.

And so the obvious conclusion is that smoking weed is illegal but despite this, anyone who wants to burn the herb will do so without getting penalized.
And with this problem we are trying to legalize it! but so far without tons of success.

I dont think what we're doing won't work but what we are trying to do is thick work in a government that is extremely slow in changing its procedure and law.
In effect, i think as a community we can work together and legalize it without anyone else's help other than from members within this community.

What i thought about upon my thinking rock in the woods was that we have been going about trying to legalize it all wrong. Many people have also had this idea and have tried to rally support for causes such as project overgrow and jonnyweedseed. But then i thought that although this is much more accomplishable it is still very abstract and would require an incredible amount of broad-spread cooperation. However, i went on to thinking that there must be another way to "overgrow" the government.

At the same time i was thinking about the weed i was smoking and what it tasted like and how we have breeders that are capable of breeding delicious tasting, resin filled, fluffy buds of pot. There is weed that smells like cantaloup. There is pot that tastes like strawberries. And so if there are people who can manipulate the taste of the smoke why not manipulate the SMELL of the smoke??

If the breeders and growers on this website could somehow work together, create a database, or just share each others notes with each other we/you could accomplish something great. IN FACT, not only something great, but something INCREDIBLE!

If the smell of weed smoke was minimal to nothing at all what people recognize as the smell of marijauna then it would be impossible to stop. and would effectively drop the crime rate of people charged with felonies related to the use of pot.

It might not legalize weed, but it would make it impossible for the government to enforce.


Well-Known Member
this is what i dont understand... there have to be millions of us Americans smoking the herb... do they plan on putting ALL of us in jail?


Well-Known Member
ok for weed to become legal in North America 2 simple things must happen

#1 Obama has to win the US elections (which personaly I think is a lock)
#2 The liberals have to win the Canadian election (witch may be very hard because the conservatives have done so well)

And if both of them happen i would say fairly shortly after the legalization bills will end up up the floors of our respected governments and be passed, because when the elected leader puts a bill on the floor its pretty much career suicide to vote against it tho only really if the bill fails, However if even one of theis things don't happen it could be a long time before we get the right combo again. So begin praying that both of them happen