Legalization USD/lb, the Cali electric bill & the US electric grid, are we done for?


New Member
Legalization USD/lb

I got egiee gity viewing the first posts of another thread, but the posts are from 2015.

Norml ( tells me 500usd/lb outdoor and 1,600usd/lb indoor is the market price in the legal market pretty much anywhere. But then again Norml has been fibbing about the legal status scenario in NYS, but hey you got to fake it till you make it.

At a dispensary in an established legalized state I recall 15usd/3.5g or 100usd/oz being the cheapest they got. I picked up a 3.5g for like 25bucks.

At another dispensary in another established legalized state I recall the place has pretty much everything canna you could imagine. I picked up a nice cannabinized chocolate bar for a few bucks, professionally packaged and such.

I'm real happy to be able to say "I picked up from my local dispensary" a top quality 3.5g indica flower for 50usd: same as the street price around here for decades.

the Cali electric bill

I’ve been staying keen on the energy ways. Cali has the high electricity bill (kW/Hr) rate because there is little freshwater. Sounds counter intuitive but Electricity Generation Stations need the fresh water source as cooling, these are the typical large sized more efficient stations. Electricity Generation stations that don’t need freshwater include natural gas and diesel engines and are much smaller and less efficient.

Larger stations include coal and nuke and need their fresh water cooling water in a location such as where a river meets a lake or ocean, or a large lake next to the station. 100-250MegaWatts is typical. Salt water, ocean water, cannot be used because it would devastate and destroy the machinery with salt eating up its metallic components.

I’m a fan of Off-shore (ocean coast) wind turbines and road-side large scale solar.

Someone indicated 0.40usd/kWHr in Cali, last I heard in 2010 it was 26cents out there.

That and the otherwise low water resource and wildfires and plastic ocean and climate change. @AcquMagister

the US electric grid

Here, here? where's here?, here, we have many Generation Station making the residential electricity some of the cheapest in the country.

X2 large scale (very large) Hydroelectric, gravity water flowing down spins the turbine.
1 relatively small scale hydroelectric generator
1 common sized nuke plant
1 large established landfill pile which gives off a lot of methane which is captured and burned and spins the turbine.
A few coal plants all over
Some solar and wind turbine here and there

It’s all close by.

You may be wondering how things even function with such prices. 0.0025usd/kW/Hr to the facility or warehouse.

With the generation station putting out about 1,100,000 volts it reaches your plug going through three step-down transformers(Giant, Big, and the one at the street) which bring the volts down to your beloved 110V. At a warehouse or industrial scale facility they have a bigger transformer which then is close to where the energy end use machine is. Increasing efficiency dramatically. You would not want nor can have such access at a residence.

I’ve heard in canna industry and other industry that the (industrial)energy use can be billed by peak use over certain time. In such contract the grid economy can produce all day but not too much more at once. You would pay half for having 10 lamps 12/12 and 10 lamps the other 12/12, rather than 20 lamps on 12/12.

are we done for?

the legalized market brings me to consider:
unwell surplus, dropping prices, and diminishing quality, with expired, unused, or wasted product
based on the CBD market: I can search engine and find 1,000 mediocre cbd things that look like they never sell

Wish you legalized: canna culture participants no longer have to be afraid
I always thought of participating in cannabis as like going 65 in the 55 mph speed limit. Now gov has thought of a number and it's sticking to it. 3oz means 3oz 3plants means 3 plants.
Wish you legalized: canna culture participants no longer have to be afraid
I believe federal legalization will get taken over by "big AG" and or "big tobacco" behind the scenes. They'll hire puppets/berners/influencers as faces to relate to us. I am afraid of genetics disappearing, gmo strains that produce infertile seeds or worse.
I believe federal legalization will get taken over by "big AG" and or "big tobacco" behind the scenes. They'll hire puppets/berners/influencers as faces to relate to us. I am afraid of genetics disappearing, gmo strains that produce infertile seeds or worse.
The cats out of the bag. The black market folk aren't jumping ship, and as long as they don't get complacent and arrested, the genes will live on.
Dispensary are still a long way from charging the $1/g it cost me to grow indoors.
Weed grow at home is better then Dispensary bud just like home grown tomatoes are better the then grocery store tomatoes.
Farmers market tomatoes as good as the one you grow yourself are expensive. There will remain a high end market for quality products and those who grow for passion/pleasure are gonna keep doing it.
My last power bill was $0.16/kwh sorry it's taxed out the ass out west, best advice invest in on-site solar.
Since legalization the low end of the market has gotten to be a much higher quality. High end retail bud prices have only drop slightly. I know my bag wieghs as sold, it is way easier to find high grade weed, and I can grow without fear of prosecution. All things I see as a net gain as a stoner wether consuming or cultivating