legalization of cannabis commercials.


Well-Known Member
This is in reference to anothers user's poll for "sending $50 to an organization to legalize marijuana"

I think that the best way to actually get cannabis legalized would be to legalize it in america first. (imo)

The best way to achieve this would be mass broadcasting. by this i mean, making commercials.

The more people to actually make their own "commerical,even on youtube, in an intelligent way, discussing the positives about why it should be legal, might have more of a chance to have someone important see it.

honestly in my opinion, the best idea to do right now, with very little amounts of money, probably under $50 to start, is make a real commercials with statistics and good to know information, then post the low budget commercial on youtube. its one of the most widely visited websites.

if you were wanting to do this, i would down to help maybe make a few myself, maybe going to the medicinal marijuana

eventually, when enough people watch them, you might be able to get a couple endorsements by someone famous, like willie nelson, or joe rogan, to appear in one of your commercials, eventually growing the company and getting more and more sponsors eventually leading to commercials nation wide on cable tv.

maybe even going into a legal dispensary, talk to a few people, young and old, and talk to them about it and see if they would want to help out with the commercial. you might even be able to talk a couple dispensary owners into making appearances in the commercial....



Well-Known Member
one example that could be used in the commercial could be this article from POPULAR MECHANICS, discussing hemp plants. this article is from 1938, and it discusses how hemp would be a billion dollar a year crop for farmers in america. but with the inflation since 1938, now it would be a multi billion dollar crop. imagine after taxes, and the lowering number of imports brought in for all of the products. america would be doing sooo much better economically this way. JUST HEMP.

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
i agree man 100% percent and would love to help, if not co direct with you.

THeres a difference between acknowledging what needs to be done, and doing it. To officially start this, just about man 'n up and doin it


Well-Known Member
I dont even think anyone would need to throw money right now, all we need to do is maybe get together with a couple friends, maybe one who has a webcamera and while using windows movie maker, you can create a short maybe 5-10 minute commercial discusses the issues.

maybe after something like this got big enough, money could be an issue with making the cable broadcast commercials. but right now, its the individuals that count, if you search on youtube for legalization of cannabis commercials, theres hardly anything, mainly a couple interviews with willie nelson that talk about it briefly, but not very in depth, its our time to get indepth and tell america and world how it really is, and stop allowing the world how its not.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that RT76 is basically doing the same thing, only working with a professional adman and targeting senators not just stoners on youtube.

RT76 knows what hes talking about and is making a real plan, and this is just another idea some stoner thought up thinking it was an original idea.

Do you even know who your going to target with these comercials? No one who can make a difference will be watching weed comercails on you tube. You need to get off the internet and go out and talk to people. Thats the real way to get it legalized, get off your ass and go talk to people in positions of power about hte benefits.

Im not trying to rain on your parade or anything, but clearly you got baked, saw RT76's thread, and thought you had a genius idea to legalize weed. Its going to take a lot more dedication and connections to legalize weed then you think. Youtube isnt going to get anything legalized.

If you were smart you would have not posted your idea online 10 minutes after you thought of it. You might actually be spending a few weeks at least, if not Months planning and refining the idea before posting it online.

Anyways, not trying to rain on your parade, but you should think this idea through a bit more. I really hope you do stay dedicated and dont just forget about it next week, because every person thats trying to make a difference is better then nothing. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
actually im a business administration with a specialization in economics major at uc Berkeley's haas. and i REALLLY hate being called a stoner or pothead. i prefer marijuana connoiseur, thanks though. I talk with patients at quite a few of the dispensarys in the northern california area, including a few choice doctors and cultivators. and ive actually been thinking about this for a while, but after reading someone else's idea about sending $50 to them, i thought it would need to be done a little different than "send your money here"

and if you think the only way is to go and actually talk to people with power, your sadly mistaken, if you have not gone to college and even learned the basic of american popular culture, then you would know that most of americans are widely influenced by celebrities and known people, before politicians.

oh and honestly, i maybe smoke a couple times every month or two, due to a condition with my lung called copd, its a disease passed genetically which is like athsma, but gets waay worse from smoking. so i choose to mainly use the alcohol, althought i do love smoking it.

i have no heard about this RT76, is there a website i can check out, because i would love to get involved with this, but am currently involved with ASA, at least as much as possible due to my studies.

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
actually im a business administration with a specialization in economics major at uc Berkeley's haas. and i REALLLY hate being called a stoner or pothead. i prefer marijuana connoiseur, thanks though. I talk with patients at quite a few of the dispensarys in the northern california area, including a few choice doctors and cultivators. and ive actually been thinking about this for a while, but after reading someone else's idea about sending $50 to them, i thought it would need to be done a little different than "send your money here"

and if you think the only way is to go and actually talk to people with power, your sadly mistaken, if you have not gone to college and even learned the basic of american popular culture, then you would know that most of americans are widely influenced by celebrities and known people, before politicians.

oh and honestly, i maybe smoke a couple times every month or two, due to a condition with my lung called copd, its a disease passed genetically which is like athsma, but gets waay worse from smoking. so i choose to mainly use the alcohol, althought i do love smoking it.

i have no heard about this RT76, is there a website i can check out, because i would love to get involved with this, but am currently involved with ASA, at least as much as possible due to my studies.
get em. i dont lke being called a stoner either bc im not, theres a fine line between a user everyday who doesnt do shit, or someone who smokes it a couple times a week and doesnt let it consume you and can get shit done.

Sorry but if you have micheal phelps saying legalize thats guna draw worldwide attention


Well-Known Member
get em. i dont lke being called a stoner either bc im not, theres a fine line between a user everyday who doesnt do shit, or someone who smokes it a couple times a week and doesnt let it consume you and can get shit done.

Sorry but if you have micheal phelps saying legalize thats guna draw worldwide attention
true true, i was laid off last week from my job, which was creating custom sensors for stability control in air planes and helicopters and black ops for almost 90% government use. and if mike phelps decided to actually make a stand on the matter, im sure he would be able to convert a lot about the way some people think of it. think about it, he won 8 GOLD MEDALS in swimming during the olympics, yet he smokes weed.... obviously weed cant be all that bad.

and my friend just got here with his webcam and were about to start a free write on what we want to mention in our video, after were done, ill post it to youtube and make a thread on here. it may be a couple days, we'll see.


Well-Known Member
I believe that there is no one singal way to finally obtain the legal right to smoke MARIJUANA. this idea about starting with commercials on youtube would be a substantial contribution to this cause.... we are all in this shit together so might as well work together!!!!!!!! I say put any and every plan to LEGALIZE IT in motion... basically Legalize MJ by a bombardment of media and politcal influence from every possible angle~!


Well-Known Member
basically Legalize MJ by a bombardment of media and politcal influence from every possible angle~!
exactly what needs to be done, just how they made it look bad 30+ years ago, by putting commercials saying how its so bad. now we need to do the opposite and tell how they arent bad. you sir are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
sir, you are a douche, are you canadian?
How does that statement make me a douche? You sir...are aparently 12.:lol:

I 100% support anyone who wants to be proactive about legalizing weed. There are better ways to go about it then just doing more documentaries or short commercials on youtube. The facts are already out there, the problem is the people in power who still deny the facts.

How is your plan going to target people that can make a difference?

Im not trying to be an ass, just a little friendly criticism. :-)
