Legalization Annoucement Tomorrow

There are essentially two camps here. The grow your own, f*ck the law, it's our plant crowd, typically a little older like 40+. We've been the pioneers who fought and took hits that eventually got us to where we are today. If it weren't for our bitching and complaining and not taking shit from the government, we'd still be back in the 50's era and the evil weed syndrome.

Then there is the newer crowd, typically younger but not always, who don't know or could never comprehend the history of smoking and growing for 40+ years under constant harassment from not only the law but society in general. Using LP's and smoking crap is Ok with this crowd and they generally don't understand why the other crowd would complain about legalization.

The values are completely different and while we'll (first crowd) tolerate the current system, we're not going to be cheerleaders that give us half-assed measures and essentially put us under similar conditions we've been fighting for 40 years.

That's why there is contention, now go and complain to your mommy.