

Well-Known Member
if it did happen there would be alot more smokers coming out the "CLoset" and the ability to get would be nice.. I could go to the local shop and pick it up like a pack of smokes... I also believe it wouldnt devalue but most surely would go up because of the tax and then the gov. wanting to make more profit... id say an ounce of bush here is now at 140 it would probly go up to 160-200.... In another breath it might make it so expensive people might not smoke any more because of lack of funds... Growing would be the only option for some... LIKE ME>>>


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the prices at dispensaries? Fucking outrageous! But, you're paying for quality, and you know you're getting quality. It's a trade-off in that respect. However, I see no reason why there would not be varying qualities of smoke available, just as there varying qualities of wine, cigarettes and beer.

We would save billions (just in Cali alone) just for no longer incarcerating people on pot charges (current estimates for per annum cost to house inmates in state prison is about $45k, and that's not chump change). Then the government would make money from the tax, licensure and permitting processes, which would indeed drive the price up. But, like I said, we would be allowed to cultivate as long as we didn't sell without proper documentation. And, being the beasts we are, and being able to vote with our dollars as well as our feet, if someone down the road gives a better price we might take it.

And I'd like to see options for the sale of. Pre-rolled j's or loose buds, in self-seal packs. :D