Legal Ecstacy?


Well-Known Member
I honestly can`t belive some people not being able to get XTC... Why not save up some cash, go to a nice holiday where the stuffs around and party on? XTC to me seems nothing without an occasion. There has to be some cool stuff going on in your mind like "YAY LAST NIGHT OUT OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR!! or EXAMS OVER!!! or BEST CLUB AND BEST XTC IN THE WORLD!!"... There has to be a "fact" that you explode the high on :D A paralell in the mind that you can channel all that energy in... So yeah, get some good friends together, head off to somewhere in the US or Spain, Ibiza etc.. get some good pills and rock n roll :D


Well-Known Member
i would have to say India. iv always wanted to go there and to be able to do that and trip would be just incredible. a definite highpoint in my life.


Active Member
ah I c so pretty much pure molly is the way to go, and practically harmless-its what is cut with it that produces problems?
pure molly is dank. just make sure it's MDMA and not MDA, two totally different feelings. i don't really trust E pills very much, even if they have been under a test kit. if good molly is available, she's a great lay.

and on a side note: i just don't understand why people call it "trippin" lol. rolling seems to be the most fitting term from my experience.


bud bootlegger
I would love a session with you MB!! I`m fucking low on cash though :( What would be your choice of location? xD
i'd love to hit up ibiza.. i was sitting in mt juic in barcelona and sat watching as the ferries loaded up and headed out to ibiza.. god, was it ever hard not to want to jump in the water and become a castaway, lol.. sounds like a dream spot to me..


Well-Known Member
The local natural high herb shop, which carries like kratom and some other legal substances, has something called Empathy that is packaged a pill form and suppsoedly mimics the feeling that ecstasy gives you. My friend said she and her friends had a great time and felt like they were on e. But, i just did a google search and apparently a girl fainted after taking these. I have no idea what the compounds in this pill are.


Active Member
Empathy Party Pills from X-Pills Contain Extracts of Crocus sativus, Delosperma sp., Theobroma cacao, Paullinia cupana, Citrus aurantium. Amino acids, (gelatine capsules). The do NOT contain chemicals like piperazines, ephedrine, DXM or diphenhydramine!

I don't know what any of these things do lol. But you can google them respectively and find out, I'm sure....